Category Archives: Campbell Cuisine

Happy Thanksgiving from CHM

A big thank you and a recipe:

2012 has been an extra­or­di­nary year for us at Camp­bell House, and we have lots to be thank­ful for:

  • Our guests. More of you have come through the house this year than ever before, and we’re glad you let us share our sto­ry with you. We appre­ci­ate your sup­port, and please keep com­ing. We try to have some­thing new and excit­ing to appeal to just about every­one, and your con­tin­ued inter­est and atten­dance helps us keep the doors open. It’s our esteemed plea­sure to be here for you.
  • All of our vol­un­teers, includ­ing docents, board mem­bers, researchers, gar­den help and gift shop staff. Much of the work around here is done by peo­ple who like Camp­bell House so darn much they come here unpaid just to lend a hand. We could­n’t keep this place in tip-top shape with­out your help, and we’re lucky to have you.
  • St. Louis. Robert and Vir­ginia liked St. Louis enough to call it home, and we’re proud to main­tain and share their house in such a won­der­ful city. We’re still hum­bled by the out­pour­ing of encour­age­ment after our bur­glary over the sum­mer. This real­ly is the best city on earth. (The Camp­bells were on to some­thing when they bought this place.)

In case you need a recipe for your turkey tomor­row, here’s one of Vir­gini­a’s spe­cial­ties: Boiled Turkey.


Take grat­ed bread, 1/4 lb but­ter, cream, chopped oys­ters, sweet marjoram
pep­per & salt & nut­meg mixed up the yolks of 3 eggs. Stuff it, flour it
& tie it up in a cloth, boil it an hour and a quarter.

[If you’re brave enough to try it, send pic­tures. And a review.…]

Hap­py Thanks­giv­ing from all of us at Camp­bell House!



Campbell Cuisine » Cook (and eat) Like a Campbell at Dierbergs

A place set­ting of Vir­gini­a’s chi­na, crys­tal and napkin.

It’s no secret the Camp­bells liked their food.

We have Vir­gini­a’s cook­book from the 1840s, Camp­bell let­ters are lit­tered with ref­er­ences to food (and drink), and we have records of  pay­ments to St. Louis’ finest restau­rants. On top of the doc­u­ments, this house has an impres­sive col­lec­tion of orig­i­nal cook­ing equip­ment and china.

This hol­i­day sea­son, if you want to get a taste of his­to­ry and the Camp­bell lifestyle, you have the chance to take a class at Dier­bergs School of Cook­ing fea­tur­ing a menu inspired by Vir­gini­a’s recipes. Here’s the offi­cial descrip­tion with links to reg­is­ter imme­di­ate­ly following:

Christ­mas Din­ner at Camp­bell House
List­ed on the Nation­al Reg­is­ter of His­toric Places and a des­ig­nat­ed City of St. Louis Land­mark, the Camp­bell House Muse­um is “Down­ton Abbey” St. Louis style! Our favorite food his­to­ri­an recre­ates a sump­tu­ous menu based on the 19th cen­tu­ry recipes from the Camp­bell House Muse­um’s culi­nary col­lec­tions. It’s per­fect for a hol­i­day cel­e­bra­tion! All class­es will be taught by Suzanne Cor­bett, Cer­ti­fied Culi­nary Professional.

Roman Punch (Slushy Cham­pagne Punch) • Cream of Onion Soup • Beef Ten­der­loin Medal­lions with Mush­room Sauce Chausseur • Queen of She­ba Cake (French Choco­late Almond Cake) with Cream Chan­til­ly  

Christ­mas Din­ner at Camp­bell House will be offered on two dates, each at a dif­fer­ent Dier­bergs location:

Southroads (SR): Novem­ber 14th, Wednes­day, 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Reg­is­ter here.
Clark­son (CL): Decem­ber 17th, Mon­day, 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Reg­is­ter here.

Camp­bell House staff will stop by all the class­es to say hel­lo, and maybe even join the class with you! We hope to see you there.

Campbell Cuisine » Fannie’s Last Supper

Fried Brain Balls. Calves Foot Jel­ly. Mock Tur­tle Soup.

Believe it or not, this was high­fa­lutin’ fine din­ing when Hugh and Hazlett Camp­bell were enter­tain­ing guests. These recipes — includ­ing more palat­able ones like Man­darin Cake, Lob­ster a la Amer­i­cane and Roast Sad­dle of Veni­son — are part of Fan­nie’s Last Sup­per, where Chris Kim­ball of Amer­i­ca’s Test Kitchen and Cook’s Illus­trat­ed fame attempts to recre­ate not only Fan­nie Farmer’s over-the-top 12-course meal, but he did it using the same tech­niques and equip­ment a cook would have used back in 1896 when Fan­nie Farmer’s The Boston Cook­ing School Cook­book was released.

Although this book was writ­ten about food and cook­ing after Vir­ginia Camp­bell and her cook­book’s time, Fan­nie’s Last Sup­per is a com­pelling glimpse of the foods, prepa­ra­tion and social life of peo­ple of a cer­tain class that is par­tic­u­lar­ly applic­a­ble to the turn of the last cen­tu­ry, a deca­dent era when Hugh and Hazlett were cer­tain­ly enter­tain­ing guests at Camp­bell House.

This isn’t just a cook­book. In addi­tion to the exhaus­tive recipe test­ing that Amer­i­ca’s Test Kitchen is known for, Kim­ball dis­cuss­es Amer­i­can food his­to­ry and the evolv­ing avail­abil­i­ty of meats, cheeses and Euro­pean imports, Vic­to­ri­an cook­ing tech­niques and house­hold oper­a­tions, and even fas­ci­nat­ing min­u­tae, like the pros and cons of a coal- vs wood-fired stove (not to men­tion how you light and cook on the hulk­ing beast).

Two lus­cious Vic­to­ri­an jel­lies. Image cour­tesy of

All of this is under­pinned by the delight­ful nar­ra­tive of Kim­bal­l’s quest to find an authen­tic Vic­to­ri­an home (and kitchen!) that had not been updat­ed and/or styl­is­ti­cal­ly butchered by well-mean­ing res­i­dents, learn­ing the best way to boil a calf’s head (clean the inside of the nose, remove the eyes and brain before boil­ing, natch) and the intel­lec­tu­al process of find­ing val­ue and rel­e­vance of such a com­pli­cat­ed, expen­sive and labor-inten­sive two-year project that cul­mi­nates in, well, one dinner.

His argu­ment is com­pelling: Tools and appli­ances of con­ve­nience have saved us time, but what have we done with all this leisure we sup­pos­ed­ly have? Watch TV. Play on Face­book. Surf the inter­net. Sta­tis­ti­cal­ly speak­ing, we aren’t enrich­ing our minds with a new hob­by or help­ing the poor. Cook­ing, how­ev­er, is one of those dai­ly chores that occu­pies our minds and hands and cre­ates a prod­uct that puts us in touch (lit­er­al­ly) with nature through the raw mate­ri­als of our endeav­or, and the result is shared and enjoyed by those clos­est to us. Kim­bal­l’s not advo­cat­ing for us to retro­fit our homes with cast-iron stoves and prim­i­tive ice box­es, but he cer­tain­ly wants us to rel­ish and appre­ci­ate the labor of food prepa­ra­tion because it is through this sim­ple yet ful­fill­ing work that we can be tru­ly hap­py, con­tent and useful.

Stay tuned to our blog and Face­book and Twit­ter feeds. We have some real­ly big news about food/eating/general awe­some­ness at Camp­bell House that we’ll release over the next sev­er­al weeks.

In the mean­time, to learn more about Chris Kim­bal­l’s quest to make Fan­nie’s big meal, vis­it the web­site at Bet­ter yet, pick up the book and try a recipe or two and share the culi­nary love with the peo­ple you love the most.