December 27, 2014: CHM Loses a Dear Friend and Advocate

Samuel B. Clark, a mem­ber of the Camp­bell House Muse­um’s Board of Direc­tors and long­time vol­un­teer, passed away at the age of 86 on Decem­ber 27, 2014. Clark was for­mer­ly the Direc­tor of Dis­play for Famous-Barr depart­ment stores and con­ceived and imple­ment­ed CHM’s much-loved cel­e­bra­tion of a Vic­to­ri­an Christ­mas. In hon­or of his life and work, Clark’s final Vic­to­ri­an Christ­mas pro­duc­tion has been extend­ed through the end of Jan­u­ary 2015. Click here to access the obit­u­ary from