Tag Archives: John Johnson

Gilded Table Book Release and Tasting

Join Camp­bell House Muse­um for an evening of toast­ing and tast­ing to cel­e­brate the pub­li­ca­tion and release of The Gild­ed Table: Recipes and Table His­to­ry from the Camp­bell House. The evening at the 1904 Steak House at Riv­er City Casi­no & Hotel will fea­ture vin­tage plates from The Gild­ed Table by Suzanne Cor­bett & inspired small plates cre­at­ed by Riv­er City Casi­no Exec­u­tive Chef John Johnson.GildedTableRiverCityInvite-2

Tick­ets to the event are tiered at $50 for gen­er­al admis­sion and $75 for patron tick­ets, pur­chase quick­ly and secure­ly via Pay­Pal at the drop down menu below or by call­ing the Camp­bell House Muse­um at (314) 421‑0325. Patron lev­el atten­dees receive a com­pli­men­ta­ry copy of The Gild­ed Table signed and inscribed by author Suzanne Cor­bett. Please note: a Pay­Pal account is NOT required to com­plete your purchase.

Event made pos­si­ble by the gen­er­ous sup­port of Riv­er City Casi­no. Pro­ceeds to ben­e­fit Camp­bell House Muse­um spe­cial projects.

1904steakhouse BTBC-16287 Unlock the Cash Giveaway Logo Jeff-2

CALL 314–421-0325 for tick­et availability.