Tag Archives: This week in history

Happy blog-iversary from Campbell House Museum!

1 year ago tomor­row, Camp­bell House Muse­um embarked on a new ven­ture — this blog.  For the past twelve months, we’ve post­ed a let­ter from “This week in his­to­ry”.  Since tomor­row is the 1 year anniver­sary of the blog’s cre­ation, we thought we’d com­mem­o­rate it by updat­ing you on the PRESENT at Camp­bell House!

First, the muse­um would like to thank the loy­al read­ers on this blog.  In 1 year, we’ve had 1,210 hits on this blog, far sur­pass­ing what we had orig­i­nal­ly hoped to achieve.  Thank you all so much for stick­ing with us!  Robert and Vir­ginia Camp­bell and their rel­a­tives can tru­ly come alive when you read their let­ters; we hope you’ve enjoyed get­ting to know the Camp­bell fam­i­ly and that you con­tin­ue to read what your “favorite char­ac­ters” write each week .  We would also like to thank those who have become a “fan” of Camp­bell House Muse­um on Face­book.  We start­ed the Face­book page at the same time we start­ed the blog, and over the course of a year we’ve reached 100 fans!   Both the Face­book page and the blog have increased our vis­i­bil­i­ty in St. Louis and the world; we tru­ly appre­ci­ate all your sup­port.  If you wish to keep up with Camp­bell House even more close­ly, you can also check out our brand new Twit­ter account, camp­bellh­mu­se­um, where we’ll be send­ing out quick tweets for excit­ing stuff in the museum!

Now, here’s an update on what’s hap­pen­ing at the muse­um.  Tomor­row, Sat­ur­day May 15, is our annu­al spring mem­ber’s par­ty.  If you are a mem­ber of Camp­bell House Muse­um, we hope you join us and bring a friend.  If you are not yet a mem­ber, we hope you con­sid­er join­ing ( http://stlouis.missouri.org/501c/chm/membership.htm ) and sup­port­ing our mis­sion of pre­serv­ing the Camp­bell story.

Our “Immi­gra­tion Adven­tures to Amer­i­ca” exhib­it has been up since Novem­ber and has been a great suc­cess!  To go with that exhib­it, we have pub­lished Shel­ley Satke’s tran­scrip­tion of Hugh Camp­bel­l’s 1818 jour­nal, doc­u­ment­ing his immi­gra­tion to Amer­i­ca.  The jour­nal is on sale in the muse­um’s gift shop for $5.95.  It’s a fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ry, and we hope you all come see the exhib­it and buy the book!  Speak­ing of books, you can still pick up Patrick Mac­Cul­loch’s The Camp­bell Quest in the gift shop!  If you like the let­ters you’ve read here, you’ll love The Camp­bell Quest.   The sto­ries that Patrick tells about his rel­a­tives (some of whom are fea­tured on here) are so fas­ci­nat­ing that you won’t be able to put the book down!  Last­ly, the muse­um is proud to announce the pub­li­ca­tion of it’s upcom­ing chil­drens book, Wel­come to My House — The Camp­bell House by Kather­ine Heugat­ter, illus­trat­ed by Lau­ra Pel­sue.  Let ser­vant Gus Mey­er take your kinder­garten-3rd graders on a fun tour of the house, com­plete with activ­i­ties and pic­tures, and help them learn about the Camp­bell fam­i­ly in their own way!  The chil­drens book is about to be print­ed and will be on sale for $7.95 in the gift shop.   We hope you all come to the muse­um to see these new sto­ries and learn about the Camp­bell family.

Last­ly, we are so excit­ed to announce our new spring event.  On Sat­ur­day June 19, the Camp­bell House will host “A Mag­i­cal Spring Thing” at the Mag­nif­i­cent Mahler Ball­room!  This incred­i­ble night of enter­tain­ment will fea­ture the mag­ic of the cir­cus, the mag­ic of musi­cal the­ater, the mag­ic of dance, the mag­ic of opera, the mag­ic of illu­sion, and the mag­ic of light.  There will also be a live auc­tion fea­tur­ing sev­er­al mag­i­cal things, includ­ing 7 night beach­front accom­mo­da­tions in the Vir­gin Islands, a Michael East­man pho­to, and jew­el­ry from Tiffany and Co — who would­n’t want that?  Wine and hors d’oeu­vres will be served at 7 PM and the show begins at 8.  Tick­ets are $125 or $150 for pre­ferred seat­ing.  Cock­tail attire is pre­ferred and valet park­ing is avail­able.  All pro­ceeds from this event ben­e­fit the Camp­bell House Muse­um.   Please come enjoy this incred­i­ble night and sup­port Camp­bell House Museum!

Thank you all for stick­ing with us through the first year of the blog.  Hap­py blog-iver­sary from Camp­bell House Muse­um!  Here’s to the next twelve months of “This Week in History!”