Tag Archives: William Sublette

Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Tour

By Andy Hahn

A few weeks ago Camp­bell House docent Tom Gron­s­ki and I returned from a 2,500 mile trip West, vis­it­ing the impor­tant sites of Robert Camp­bell and Rocky Moun­tain fur trade.

Red Rocks Canyon on the road up to the South Pass through the Wind Riv­er Range of the Rockies.

We fol­lowed the route of the Ore­gon Trail, which had been blazed by Camp­bell and oth­er moun­tain men and fur traders dur­ing the 1820s and 30s. Our first stop was at the Joslyn Art Muse­um in Oma­ha, Nebras­ka. The Joslyn holds one of the most impor­tant col­lec­tions of art of the Amer­i­can West, includ­ing works by Karl Bod­merAlfred Jacob Miller and George Catlin.

Fol­low­ing a 500-mile dri­ve along the Plat­te Riv­er through Nebras­ka we arrived at Fort Laramie, where we met Alan McFar­land, Robert Camp­bel­l’s g‑g-g-grand nephew, fresh off the plane from his home in North­ern Ire­land. Alan has a spe­cial inter­est in his uncle’s career in the fur trade and has made numer­ous research trips to Amer­i­ca. Fort Laramie was the per­fect place for our meet­ing because Camp­bell and his part­ner Bill Sub­lette found­ed Fort Laramie (orig­i­nal­ly called Fort William) in 1834. At this Nation­al His­toric Site we were able to view an authen­tic fur trade encamp­ment recre­at­ed by mem­bers of the Amer­i­can Moun­tain Men. The group lat­er cre­at­ed tableau vivant from one of Alfred Jacob Miller’s art­works depict­ing a fur trade camp.

A lit­tle fur­ther west we fol­lowed the Sweet­wa­ter Riv­er across Wyoming towards the Wind Riv­er Moun­tain Range and the South Pass. Bill Sub­lette was the first per­son to take a wag­on this far into the Rocky Moun­tains in 1830, set­ting a course for thou­sands that would fol­low the Ore­gon and Mor­mon Trails. The next few days were spent in the vicin­i­ty of Jack­son, Wyoming where we vis­it­ed most all of the sites of the Rocky Moun­tain Ren­dezvous. The high­lights includ­ed vis­its to the Muse­um of the Moun­tain Man where we were able to see some orig­i­nal Camp­bell let­ters and Pier­re’s Hole, site of the 1832 Ren­dezvous and sub­se­quent bat­tle.  Camp­bell hero­ical­ly saved his friend Bill Sub­let­te’s life dur­ing the bat­tle as recount­ed by Wash­ing­ton Irv­ing in the Adven­tures of Cap­tain Bon­neville. Our trip end­ed with vis­its to oth­er Ren­dezvous sites at Bear Lake, Cache Val­ley and final­ly Fort Bridger.

Enjoy the pic­tures and fol­low us West!

This Week in History: September 27

Below is a long, ram­bling let­ter to Robert from one of his best friends, busi­ness part­ner Bill Sub­lette.  Sub­lette was born in Ken­tucky and received lit­tle if any for­mal edu­ca­tion, but he was an accom­plished trap­per and trad­er.  Though he read­i­ly admits, “…you will excuse this let­ter and try and make out its con­tents if you can. It is now late at night, my health is not of the best…” this note to Robert gives the read­er a good impres­sion of the pol­i­tics, logis­tics and rela­tion­ships that were nec­es­sary to build a suc­cess­ful fur trad­ing com­pa­ny.  (Note: This has been edit­ed some­what for clar­i­ty.  Sub­lette used no com­mas and prac­ti­cal­ly no peri­ods.  Good luck.)


Grovent Vil­liage Sept 25th 1833

Mr. Robt Campbell

Dear Sir,

I arrive here this Evening and found all well. The Man­dans and Grovon­lers have just made peace with the Yanck­lon­ain, and two hun­dred Lodges left here today .I shall take Sav­ille down with me to trade with the Yanck­to­ni­ans Mjr. Doughtery has trad­ed upwards of one hun­dred Robes and nine Beaver. They are in want of cop­per ket­tles here and wish you to send all down you think you can spare. Some Chiefs coats say half dozen or fif­teen pounds of stone white and blue beads small and 6 doz bright Red han­dle knives.  Some 1 doz 6 inch flat and 3 square files 2 quire of paper, 10 lbs Ver­mil­lion some small brass wire and some iron or large brass wire for Wrist bands, some oval blue beads and while if you have them to spare 1 goose, the largest fire steels, a few pair of Striped Blan­kets. The old man Chaibrno thinks he will want some pow­der and ball in the Spring.  Mr. Dougher­ty has got all his pick­ets for the fort and the Indi­ans are deter­mined to have a fort here or they will be much dis­sat­is­fied.  I think you had bet­ter send two more good work­ing hands who under­stand Raft­ing down here that they may be get­ting out tim­ber this win­ter and have all ready for the Spring. They want a cross-cut saw whip, saw and Plow, if you can have one made they are in great need of a Cart here and I think you had bet­ter send down a pair of wheels and two set of har­ness and they will have haul­ing to do if you could get a Bull Boat for those things to come down in it will be best. John Ruhan talks of stay­ing here in pon­toes place if he does he will fetch you this let­ter. The Indi­ans appear in fine Spir­its and have fur­nished the men with meat for noth­ing whilst they were get­ting out the pick­ets and say as soon as the tim­bers are ready they will help down with them. Some of those arti­cles I have writ­ten for Sav­ille thinks he will want there were six of the Aspi­neoumes here a few days since, and after some dif­fi­cul­ty they smoke and made a treaty with the Grovon­ties Mr. McKen­zie made a lengthy speech at the Man­dans I have been informed and gave out the Big talk as the say­ing is, they have one trad­er here he has trad­ed about thir­ty Robes while Dougher­ty has near­ly tripled him. They gave their goods at the same price we do accept­ing the ammu­nion and they give 70 Loads whilst we give 60 I stat­ed above that a skin boat would be best but on reflec­tion those arti­cles I expect will have to come down in a canoe and I can’t see how the cart wheels will be man­aged which is want­i­ng here worst of any arti­cle.  Like­ly they can be arranged on the canoe in some way and you will excuse this let­ter and try and make out its con­tents if you can. It is now late at night, my health is not of the best but I am bet­ter than when I left you. I have instruct­ed Mr. Dougher­ty to buy 50 or 60 bushels of corn as you may send down for it soon. I think if you was to send down two more kegs of Pow­der and Ball it would not be a miss as Sav­ille thinks he will want it as there is some of the Sowones with the Yanck­ton­aies and intend win­ter­ing with them and he thinks his sup­plies will fall short.

Draw­ing of a Mack­i­naw Boat, which is also called a bateau.

I have been think­ing if you could send down a Mack­i­naw Boat here Ear­ly in the Spring that is as soon as the ice is out of the riv­er it would be well to take the Robes from this place and those that Sav­ille may have trad­ed down as I think there will be a Mack­i­naw Boat Load down from those two places if you think best so to do you had bet­ter send down word by the Express. Mr. Dougher­ty thinks if he does not get those arti­cles down this fall his trade will fall much short­er as the Cop­per ket­tles are all out. He is scarce of knives also as it takes a great many knives to trade corn you will have to send two or three men down as Pon­to have been try­ing to kill him self and I am forced to take him down and have got Van­Vulk­in­burg to stay in his place which is a bad choice. They want a machine for Guler­ing out posts. Mr. Dougher­ty is placed here in rather an awk­ward sit­u­a­tion the old man Charbino has become quite child­ish and has to be humored much which makes it very dis­agree­able and to turn him off it will offend the Indi­ans as he has much influ­ence and will have much his way in trade and he informed the Indi­ans he was going which made con­sid­er­able dis­tur­bance but I have set­tled the mat­ter today and we must try and rub out the year with the Old man in some way and like­ly there can be some changes made next year plac­ing him in one vil­lage to him­self with some goods.  I think Dougher­ty will do all in his pow­er and I feel in hopes they will make a good trade this year if the Buf­fa­lo comes in it would be well for you to come down here when the Yel­low Stone returns come down or take a sin­gle horse and come down some time in the Spring if pos­si­ble let them know here if the Mack­i­naw Boat will be down in the Spring ear­ly or so, that Sav­ille may know how to make his arrange­ments as he will have to pur­chase some skins of the Indi­ans for a bull Boat three men will fetch the Boat down emp­ty or if you have a few packs to send down in the boat you might do so if they could not take all some might be left here Dougher­ty will know what Sav­ille has done through the win­ter. I will write by Mr. McKen­zie from the Teton or Lit­tle Mis­souri River.

Sept 27th
Old McKen­zie has told them here that you brought down the Yel­low­stone a boat­load of whisky and that our men was drunk all that time and that we had been sell­ing it and the news cer­tain­ly would go below. I am now at the Man­dans and the Indains appear much pleased here and talk fair they talk of Brass Ket­tles and chief coats all the time Dougher­ty will be in search of knives and a few doz of com­mon ones would do well for to trade corn. I shall pro­pose to McKen­zie what was talked of but I think he will not take yet if you should suc­ceed with him try to get a divi­sion of the coun­try. Keep your eyes about trad­ing whisky only Wine.

Robe acts Dougher­ty trad­ed at the Grovon­ty Vil­lages — 84
Beaver — 11
Down at Man­dan Robes — 30

One of Dougher­ty’s men said Hol­com have made appli­ca­tion to trap next year. He will hire or take equip or hire for that pur­pose if you should send the Mack­i­naw Boat like­ly you had bet­ter send two men with it as I think some of those will wish to stay with Sav­ille and Daugh­er­ty will want all with him until the last boat will come down.

Yours with Respect
Wm L. Sublette
Capt. Robt. Campbell

Nota­tion on letter
Wm L Sublette
Sept 25, 26 and 27
Received Octo­ber 12 1833

This Week In History: September 1

Bill Sub­let­te’s broth­er Mil­ton needs a cork leg (for the right or left?), busi­ness is phe­nom­e­nal, a trou­ble­mak­ing child, and Robert needs to thank his lucky stars for all of his good for­tune — this and more in today’s let­ter from Hugh Camp­bell to his lit­tle broth­er Robert in St. Louis.


Phi­la Sept 1835
My dear Robert
To any oth­er an apol­o­gy would be nec­es­sary for my long silence — to you I need only say that it was out of my pow­er to write you soon­er. I have nev­er been so much wea­ried in busi­ness as dur­ing the last six weeks — but our hur­ry is now over for the season.
Your favor of 6 and 13 inst. are duly to hand the lat­ter by this evening’s mail. I am pleased to find that the inter­mit­tent which was caused my impru­dent expo­sure is sub­sid­ing and that you are like­ly to be “your­self again” but it seems strange that you don’t name a time for com­ing on here. The sea­son at which I have been accus­tomed to see you and our friend Sub­lette approach­es — and you will aid us in spend­ing agree­ably some long win­ter nights if you appear in Philadel­phia about 1st Nov. or should you defer until lat­er about 8 Dec. for I must spend a week in Rich­mond in the lat­ter part of Nov. on busi­ness of the estate.

The atten­tion — the down­right broth­er­ly friends of Wm. L. Sub­lette is almost with­out a prece­dent. In this cold heart­less world, my dear Robert, it is like an oasis in the desert to meet with such a man — and I think his con­duct and that of his house­hold, to you, dur­ing your late dread­ful attack, is enough to cure the most obsti­nate mis­an­thrope. Per­haps it may one day or oth­er be in my pow­er to show him how grate­ful­ly remem­bered is such well timed friendship.

The cork leg for friend Mil­ton is not fin­ished but the work­man says it will be ready for deliv­ery in all this week. Mr. S. for­got to say whether it was for the right or left — and find­ing that to wait for an answer would require a month at least, I ordered a right leg to be made, at the same time, hav­ing occa­sion to write Mr. Dormell, I request­ed him to call on Mr. S. & cause him to write me on the sub­ject by return mail. I expect his let­ter before the cork leg is fin­ished, and can make an alter­ation in two days if it be want­ed for the left leg.

Not a sin­gle sen­tence from home for many months, except the brief let­ter men­tioned in my last from Andrew, mere­ly stat­ing that Sarah Dunn was mar­ried to Hugh Mac­Far­lane & request­ing atten­tion to her. In a P.S. to Mary’s last let­ter I told you what a strange “ket­tle of fish” this same mar­riage had like­ly to turn out — & the for­tu­nate result of my inter­fer­ence in the mat­ter. Before this reach­es you, I pre­sume you will have seen the hap­py pair, on their way to Gale­na. I real­ly feel inter­est­ed in their welfare.

You have been informed of the death — the very sud­den death of our cousin James B. Bor­land on his way from Jack­son to this city. The sur­viv­ing part­ner, James Lee, will of course wind up the busi­ness. I am sor­ry to learn from a let­ter received from our cousin in May last, while in Nashville, that J. Lee is a com­plete and irreclaimable drunk­ard. Of course my expec­ta­tions from the close of the busi­ness are extreme­ly mod­er­ate. I expect to hear from his father short­ly, and will take such mea­sures as may be in my pow­er to pro­tect the inter­est of the fam­i­ly should they send me a prop­er pow­er of atty. All the leisure moments I have late­ly had to spare were engrossed in pur­chas­ing for Mrs. Kyle a small assort­ment of dry goods, suit­ed for a coun­try town in the inte­ri­or of Mis­souri or Illi­nois. They have been for­ward­ed about ten days ago and the invoic­es amount­ing to $2850 have been enclosed to Mr. G. Sproule. When in St. Louis, I found that the fam­i­ly pre­ferred a small store to any oth­er kind of oper­a­tions and promised to send betwixt $1000 and $1500 of goods which I told them must be repaid in 1 2 and 3 years but it was impos­si­ble to get up any­thing like a vari­ety for that sum & I increased the amount accord­ing­ly; stip­u­lat­ing that the sur­plus over $1500 should be repaid from the first sales. If this start in busi­ness prove ser­vice­able all will be well & I shall be amply repaid, in the feel­ing of plea­sure which their suc­cess will afford. If not, I shall have done my duty & they must try some oth­er avo­ca­tion. I am anx­ious that they should make some arrange­ment with Mr. Edgar, the Messrs Ker­r’s or some oth­er house, for occa­sion­al sup­plies, — as it will be impos­si­ble for me to con­tin­ue to send goods from Philadel­phia. The fam­i­ly speak most kind­ly of you. I am pleased to find you so gen­er­al a favorite and that they seem to place so much reliance on your advice.

You are aware that I brought on lit­tle David W. Kyle with me on my return from St. Louis, intend­ing to place him one year at school in this city. He is a kind heart­ed, thought­less boy and a city is bad­ly fit­ted for improv­ing either his mind or morals. I have there­fore sent him this evening, in charge of a friend, to a school at Had­ly, near Northamp­ton Mass­a­chu­setts, where he will have no temp­ta­tions to mis­spend time & where he will be oblig­ed to study hard. Should he not prove a steady boy, I will not con­sent to his return to Mis­souri but I enter­tain great hopes of him.
Our busi­ness this fall has been very heavy. The sales of last month were more than $10,000 greater than those of any pre­ced­ing month since we com­menced. I believe it has been pros­per­ous too. Thank God every thing has gone on well with me and I have been blessed in all respects beyond my deserts. I have a good wife — a tol­er­a­ble broth­er — many kind friends — and a prospect of mod­er­ate inde­pen­dence. For all these, I admit I am not suf­fi­cient­ly grate­ful. You, dear Robert, should reflect on this pass­ing remark. I sel­dom speak on reli­gious sub­jects when writ­ing but for your late mer­ci­ful recov­ery from the very brink of the grave, your grat­i­tude should not be con­fined to the kind friends around you. Do not think me super­sti­tious when I tell you that I attribute much of our suc­cess in life to the prayers of our good moth­er and sis­ter! God bless them.

I have had a let­ter from Hugh Reed by this morn­ing’s mail dat­ed at New­burg N.Y. He is suf­fer­ing under an attack of inter­mit­tent fever & wish­es my advice (in oth­er words mon­ey) to go home by next pack­et. I will write him — but real­ly he has cost me so much already, that unless he wants mon­ey (for he had near­ly $100 on leav­ing home and has been mak­ing ever since) I will not send him one cent. I beg you will write me ful­ly on receipt of this. I am anx­ious to know your views and future prospects. In any case, Dear Robert, come on here as soon as you can trav­el with safe­ty. I wish to see you, apart from busi­ness. The approach­ing long win­ter night would pass pleas­ant­ly. We can talk over a thou­sand things. Mary can give you and Mr. S. a com­fort­able bed & I pledge myself you shall have more sol­id slices of bread than the trans­par­ent cuts you saw with us last sea­son. God bless you & make us both thank­ful for many kind dispensations!

Hugh Camp­bell

This week in history: May 15–21

On May 20, 1842, Robert Camp­bell wrote his busi­ness part­ner William Sub­lette, who was in Inde­pen­dence, MO.  He focus­es on busi­ness, stat­ing that the debts Sub­lette col­lects are incred­i­bly impor­tant to Sub­lette & Camp­bell — “I have been doing very lit­tle busi­ness since you left — still I have sold a few goods and gen­er­al­ly get paid for them.… I will only repeat what I have already said that we can­not expect to get any mon­ey from any oth­er quar­ter than where you now are and I hope you will not lose the oppor­tu­ni­ty of secur­ing every dol­lar due us — mon­ey is now more impor­tant than it has even been on any for­mer occa­sion to us and I hope you will use pro­por­tion­ate exer­tions — scarce as mon­ey is it will be eas­i­er col­lect­ing it now than in the fall.”  Like today, the econ­o­my must have not been doing so well in 1842!

This let­ter was pub­lished by the Mis­souri His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety in “Glimpses of the Past: Cor­re­spon­dence of Robert Camp­bell 1834–1845”

Saint Louis May 20th 1842
Dear Sublette
I reed your let­ter writ­ten by mail from Inde­pen­dence post
marked 12th inst. giv­ing me an account of your proceedings
in attach­ment of the prop­er­ty of Gid­dings & Gen­try which I
think was remark­ably well done — I hope it will enable us
to get our pay — I think you might have the Beaver ap-
praised and by con­sent of S. C. Owens & Co. have it sold -
if sent down we could real­ize a cer­tain por­tion of our pay
soon­er in that way.
I reed. yes­ter­day $100 from Lewis Franklin through Crow,
Tevis & McCreery — N. E. Har­rel­son also paid his account
in full — this is all the mon­ey we have received.
I learn from Vasques that you had sent by Mr. McCarty
some specie but he has not arrived yet. I am most anxious
to pay the Mer­chants & Mechan­ic ‘s Bank.
I think Mr. Heylin will levy an attach­ment to secure what-
ever may be left after pay­ing us out of the mules. — J. J.
Ander­son trans­ferred to him a note of Gid­dings & Gen­try for
some $950.00 he will I think place the papers in the hands
of [Addi­son] Reese to take out the attachment.
I have been doing very lit­tle busi­ness since you left — still
I have sold a few goods and gen­er­al­ly get paid for them.…
I will only repeat what I have already said that we can­not expect to get any mon­ey from any oth­er quar­ter than where
you now are and I hope you will not lose the oppor­tu­ni­ty of
secur­ing every dol­lar due us — mon­ey is now more important
than it has even been on any for­mer occa­sion to us and I hope
you will use pro­por­tion­ate exer­tions — scarce as mon­ey is it
will be eas­i­er col­lect­ing it now than in the fall.
At the farm every thing goes on well. Mrs. Cook was in
two days ago. We have had a fine rain and crops look prom-
ising — the army worm has done some mis­chief but I under-
stand your farm has not suf­fered much.
Vir­ginia and the Boy(footnote 21) are get­ting along fine­ly — nothing
Kings­land & Light­ner made an assign­ment and it is ex-
pect­ed that H. N. Davis will go with them — such is my own
impres­sion — Swearinger [A. S. & Co.] is also broke up and
some oth­ers it is thought will follow.
Robert Campbell
Col. W. L. Sublette
Inde­pen­dence, Mo.

21 This was the James Alexan­der Camp­bell, born May 14, 1842, and
died June 18, 1849

This week in history: April 18–24

Today you tech­ni­cal­ly get mul­ti­ple let­ters, all wrapped into one!  On April 22, 1835, William Sub­lette start­ed a let­ter to Robert Camp­bell, who was at Fort William.  Sub­lette added to it on May 1.  He made one more addi­tion on May 2, before final­ly send­ing it to Robert.  The let­ter cov­ers every­thing, from busi­ness to fam­i­ly to gos­sip from home. One inter­est­ing and impor­tant ref­er­ence Sub­lette makes is to “Fontinell”.  “Fontinell” was Lucien Fontenelle, a well-known French-Amer­i­can fur trad­er who worked for the Amer­i­can Fur Com­pa­ny, run by John Jacob Astor and the Rocky Moun­tain Fur Co. and Sub­lette and Camp­bel­l’s biggest com­pe­ti­tion.  Sub­lette also tells Robert that “Vir­ginia”, mean­ing 13 year old Vir­ginia Jane Kyle, who Robert would mar­ry in 1841, is doing well and “Mrs Fox also lent Vir­ginia com­pli­ments to you”.  Enjoy this fas­ci­nat­ing look into Sub­lette & Camp­bel­l’s busi­ness and per­son­al lives!

[Front Cover]
Mr. R. Campbell
Fort William

St. Louis MO April 22nd 1835

Dear Robert,
I received your let­ter from Colum­bia and also one from Lex­ing­ton dat­ed april 18th. I wrote you by the first mail after you left at Lex­ing­ton and also to Inde­pen­dence.  Enclos­ing those notes you wished [spelled wisht] Fontinell to Set­tle, as he refused doing so here but stat­ed [spelled stait­ed] he thought he would Set­tle them when you deliv­ered over the fort to him.  I have writ­ten all that passed between us to you in my let­ter to Inde­pen­dence which I pre­sume you will get before you leave the Unit­ed States although you did not state in your let­ter from Lex­ing­ton whether you had received mine or not.  Galio [?] sent a let­ter to you from your broth­er to Inde­pen­dence and I now also send one let­ter to Fontinell.  Fontinell has only vis­it­ed my room but twice since you left he appears too [spelled two] busi­ly engaged in court­ing or some­thing else that I can scarce­ly get to see him.  On yes­ter­day Mr Fontinell & Beret both came to my room.  I showed them both the part of the let­ter you sent me or so much as relat­ed to their [spelled there] mat­ters and they made [spelled maid] no objec­tions.  Fontinell told me he expect­ed to leave tomor­row but you know him, the peo­ple is all well here gen­er­al­ly, and not much change in affairs.  Since you left Capt. Fleise­he­man is dead and buried, mar­riages Marpy & Shan­ice is both mar­ried, Miss Bil­low also & Miss Cale­na is expect­ed to be in the same sit­u­a­ti­a­tion in a few days etc. etc.

[Pg. Break] There appears to be but lit­tle alter­ation in Mil­ton since you left Sis­ter Sophron­ice Cook is now in St. Louis and expects to leave shortly.

I have received a let­ter from Mr J.J. Car­pen­ter of N.Y. stat­ing our furst is still unsold and that sev­er­al per­sons has been lookng at them but will think them too [spelled two] dear.  The Saulaper­ans are all here as yes but expect to leave in a few days.  Bean Gar­den & Lane all let out short­ly up the Mis­sis­sip­pi sur­vey­ing.  I had word from Edmond Christy a few days since he is well and they say is doing well keeps him­self steady and atten­tive to business.

May the first I have this morn­ing received your let­ters with Andrew from Inde­pen­dence April 21 1835.

I have you will per­cieve by this com­menced [spelled comenced] this let­ter sev­er­al days since.  I have just called on Fontinell and he informs me he will start this evening or tomor­row morn­ing for a cer­tain­ty, Cabanne, came down last night Fontinell has been so busi­ly engaged court­ing gala­vant­i­ng etc. that he has hard­ly been to see Mil­ton but one time since you left (it appears to be fine times with him) Mil­ton has much mend­ed since I com­mence this let­ter I have had him rid­ing out and he is now bout on his crutch­es lest his leg is about the same the lig­a­tures still remain.  Mrs. Ash­ley has been quite unwell but is now bet­ter I have paid but one or two vis­its since you left and I can assure you I feel quite lone­some.  I expect to take Mil­ton to the farm in a few days where I shall stay principly.

[Pg. Break] I have received but one let­ter from your Broth­er but what I have sent you and I enclose it with this I expect anoth­er in a few days, Ran­dolph has vis­it­ed Mil­tons room sev­er­al times I expect there is some­thing on foot as he has been try­ing to get employ­ment and Mil­ton appears dis­sat­is­fied [spelled dis­at­is­fied] with Fontinells deten­tion here and have I believe expressed [spelled expresst] him self.  So I will fin­ish this let­ter by piece meals [?] whilst Fontinell remains.  Robt. this evening I received a let­ter from Hugh stat­ting he will deter­mine in a day or two whether he will vis­it St Louis or no if so he will leave about the first of June his stay will be short and he will return through Ten­nesee, Alaba­ma, and Ken­tucky.  He states he received a let­ter from Broth­er Andrew dat­ed 26th Jany last all friends was well at that date and noth­ing new.

I would send you the let­ter which is dat­ed the 17th of april only it con­tained a list of my fruit trees and a descrip­tion of them etc prinic­i­paly on that subject.

I was at Miss Kyle’s this evening all was well and wished I would remem­ber them in my let­ter to you.  Mrs Fox also lent Vir­ginia com­pli­ments to you there has noth­ing tran­spired since you left worth notice I am get­ting on with my build­ing and farm as well as could be expect­ed Mr Jack­son is now in St Louis I have had a set­tle­ment with him Smith & Ashley.

[Pg. Break, top of front cov­er] May 2 1835 Robert I have just been to see Fontinell he says he will leave pos­i­tive­ly today.  W & Mrs Stephan­son leaves to day for Gale­na.  Mgr Bean also Gor­don is gone.  Miss Cale­na is mar­ried and off to Illi­nois.  Miss Tharp is also mar­ried and so forth,  Beut and Sare­na is still here but will leave short­ly         Your friend W Sublette

[Sec­tion Break, upside down] I intend for­ward­ing our bill on for the goods spo­ken of imme­di­ate­ly I have been wait­ing to hear from you at Inde­pen­dence or I would have done so before now Mil­ton wish­es to be remem­bered & Sis­ter Cook has left and I feel entire­ly at a loss what to do or how to employ myself as you know I have been a bird of pas­sage the last twelve years yours farewell, W.L.S.