Category Archives: This Week in History

This Week in History: November 1

This week’s let­ter shows some broth­er­ly ban­ter as Hugh ribs Robert about writ­ing let­ters, his wild lifestyle out West, and the slow-to-write fam­i­ly back in Ire­land.  Also, Hugh seems to be pop­u­lar with Irish immigrants.….and any­body else who needs a buck (espe­cial­ly Matthew Clark).


Philadel­phia 3 Novem­ber 1834 (Mon­day)

Dear Robert,

Yours of 22nd ult is received.  More than a page is tak­en up in the very laud­able effort to con­vince me that you are the most punc­tu­al, & I the most neg­li­gent of let­ter writ­ers.  In reply I have only two remarks to make — first I deny the fact in toto — and sec­ond­ly I think the first page of your let­ter could have been much more use­ful­ly & agree­ably filled.  Before I dis­miss this sub­ject, it may be as well to observe — once for all — that you are wrong in thus cre­at­ing a wind­mill & Quixote like fight­ing against it.  Should any cause of offense exist, you shall be the first to hear it from me — & until I tell you that such is the case, you err very much in either talk­ing or writ­ing about it.  Remem­ber Robert, we are broth­ers, and recall to mind whether any word or act of mine jus­ti­fies you in plac­ing me in any oth­er posi­tion towards you, then such as a broth­er should maintain.

Canal Street, New York 1834

Last week I spent two days in New York, but did not obtain any fresh infor­ma­tion rel­a­tive to the price, or demand for furs.  The cir­cle in which I move there, know noth­ing on that sub­ject.  I sent you a state­ment of the last sales — since when it appears, unfavourable accounts have been received of the pub­lic sales in Lon­don.  Every­thing con­nect­ed with your busi­ness, from trap­ping to sell­ing, is con­duct­ed with such secre­cy that it is almost impos­si­ble for the unini­ti­at­ed to know any thing of the pro­ceed­ings.  I am pleased to learn that you have mad a ship­ment — for I shall be cer­tain of see­ing both you and Mr. Sub­lette here, to attend to its dis­pos­al.  I shall make it a point to return from VA before 1st Decem­ber so as to be here at the time named in your let­ter for your visit.

What will you think of our friends in Ire­land, when I tell you, that six months & upwards have elapsed since I had a line from any of the fam­i­ly?  I begin to fear that they con­sid­er postage on Amer­i­can let­ters as a heavy tax — and doubt­less it is so — for I have not made a remit­tance for more than a year — & then only a small sum for Moth­er & Andrew.  They have been duly advised of your return.  If they knew how very par­tic­u­lar you are on the mat­ter, I am sure they would write; — but with me they know from long expe­ri­ence, that they can, with per­fect impuni­ty, study their own con­ve­nience; — receive a scold or two in reply; — & have all forgotten.

In busi­ness at this sea­son of the year, we have lit­tle to do.  Time pass­es rather heav­i­ly — for we have not here the excit­ing rou­tine of par­ties & wed­dings described in your let­ter.  The qui­et plea­sures of a com­fort­able home — the care­ful over­haul of our fall trans­ac­tions — and an occa­sion­al chat on the news of the day occu­py us, morn­ing, noon, & night.  For such dull employ­ments, would you not con­sent to change your mode of living?

It grieves me to dis­cov­er that you are resolved to per­se­vere in the moun­tain busi­ness.  I admit that with your inti­mate acquain­tance with its nature & chances, it holds out stronger induce­ments than oth­er occu­pa­tions; — but on the oth­er hand, I main­tain that with the utmost facil­i­ty, you can enter on a steady pur­suit; & with the same appli­ca­tion — less risk of per­son and cap­i­tal — and greater cer­tain­ty of ulti­mate gain — you can now set­tle down in life, and for­ev­er aban­don a pur­suit so very objec­tion­able to almost all your friends.  I am aware that this is noth­ing more than a rep­e­ti­tion of sen­ti­ments often expressed; yet I can­not avoid recall­ing your atten­tion to it again; — per­haps, like the wid­ow in the scrip­tures, I may be heard for my impor­tu­ni­ty.  Before you final­ly decide on anoth­er expe­di­tion, I sin­cere­ly hope I shall see you & Mr. S. and we can then com­pare notes on this sub­ject much more to our sat­is­fac­tion than any thing I can say on the present occasion.

Mary is quite well & looks for­ward with plea­sure to the time when we shall see you here.  I pre­sume you have heard that my own health has not been good dur­ing the sum­mer.  At present I feel much bet­ter and my throat (though not so musi­cal as that of our friend Miss Speak­man) is near­ly as well as ever.  Mr. Gill & A. Camp­bell are quite well & desire their respects to you and Mr. Sub­lette.  My friend Miss Har­ri­ett Camp­bell will prob­a­bly go on to VA with us about a fort­night hence.  Our stay in Rich­mond will be very brief.

Per­haps I should remark in the way of busi­ness, that woolens of near­ly every descrip­tion are high­er than when Mr. S. was last in the city.  The impor­ta­tions gen­er­al­ly have been light this sea­son & almost every kind of for­eign goods have advanced.  In many arti­cles required for your trade, you will not per­ceive the change, because such goods are not in gen­er­al demand & are lit­tle affect­ed by the fluc­tu­a­tions of market.

Of our com­mon acquain­tances I can say lit­tle or noth­ing in addi­tion to for­mer let­ters.  I had a let­ter from Matthew Clark dat­ed at Boston.  He was in want of mon­ey.  I sent him what he asked for & at the same time told him that I nei­ther wished to see nor hear from him again.  He left Ire­land in June & I believe has some of his ille­git­i­mate chil­dren with him.  Dr. John McFar­land has not writ­ten me for many months.  He has cost me over $100 which of course I do not expect to have repaid.  H. Reed is still deal­ing in cat­tle & I believe is doing well.  I lent him some funds which enables him to get along pret­ty smooth­ly & inde­pen­dent­ly.  Nan­cy Divine & anoth­er Irish girl from Glen­rone are our ser­vants.  You per­ceive my nation­al attach­ments are unchanged — and to con­fess the truth I am some­times hearti­ly tired of them.  Scarce­ly “a neigh­bour’s child” with­in miles of home, but favours me with a call — and some­how or oth­er all of them have wants to be sup­plied.  After all, I must not com­plain — some of them are grate­ful & all have some redeem­ing traits of char­ac­ter wor­thy of esteem.  Good bye!

H. Camp­bell


This Week in History: October 25

An excerpt Hugh Camp­bel­l’s will.  This is Robert’s broth­er,  not son.  (Stay tuned for more on Hugh.  We’re going to seri­al­ize his fas­ci­nat­ing immi­gra­tion jour­nal begin­ning this Fri­day.  It’s such a good sto­ry, you’ll think it’s fiction.)


I, Hugh Camp­bell of the city of St. Louis and State of Mis­souri being of sound and dis­pos­ing mind do make this my last will and tes­ta­ment here­by revok­ing all oth­er hereto­fore made by me.

First I direct that out of my estate my just debts and funer­al expens­es shall be first paid and that my mor­tal remains shall be buried in a lot at Belle­fontaine Ceme­tery which I pur­chased from Mr. Patrick.  My beloved wife Mary select­ed this lot and when it shall please God to call her hence, she will prob­a­bly be buried beside me.  We have spent over forty five years of hap­py mar­ried life and may we be unit­ed in the grave.

Sec­ond I give and bequeath to my broth­er Robert Camp­bell my gold watch and chain togeth­er with any of my per­son­al effects (as memen­tos) that he may choose togeth­er with six­ty vol­umes from my library includ­ing the New Amer­i­can Ency­clo­pe­dia such as he may select.

Third I give and bequeath all the residue of my estate and prop­er­ty, real, per­son­al and mixed, which I may leave at the time of my death to my beloved wife Mary Camp­bell.  To Have and To Hold the same unto the said Mary Camp­bell to her heirs, execu­tors & assigns forever ————

This Week in History: October 18

Just in time for Hal­loween, here’s a Scoo­by Doo-style mys­tery let­ter.  This is an unsigned note sent to Robert, pur­port­ed­ly from a good Samar­i­tan to ask him to send mon­ey to his poor des­ti­tute niece Vir­ginia Hamil­ton in Ire­land.  (Her father was Robert’s old­est broth­er, Andrew.)  Was this let­ter tru­ly authored by a well-mean­ing friend?  Did Vir­gini­a’s hus­band send it?  You decide.  Inci­den­tal­ly, it says Robert sent Vir­ginia 400 Pounds in hon­or of her 1867 wed­ding; that would be the equiv­a­lent of rough­ly $9,500 today.  (That’s a pret­ty nice wed­ding gift.)


Octo­ber 23rd 1877
Colonel Robert Campbell

1867 Shilling

Dear Sir
You will please pardon
an utter stranger writ­ing you an anonymous
let­ter, but it is for a kind­ness to a Niece
of yours that I write and I hope you will
par­don my bold­ness, but know­ing and hearing
so much of your gen­er­ous kind­ness to your
friends and strangers I thought I might address
a few words to you.  Her name is Virginia
Hamil­ton ( her hus­band’s name is Alexn.) and she
is a cred­it to the name of Camp­bell for every
one respects and loves her, but she has got
into dif­fi­cul­ties, or rather her Husband.
Rather he had been in some lit­tle debt
pre­vi­ous to her mar­riage (but she was not
aware of it). Her kind good Uncle Robert
sent her after Mar­riage 400 pounds she
told me she gave to her Hus­band 200 pounds
and invest­ed the rest on her­self but she
did not get keep­ing it long as there was
a lease of a House sold and she gave
100 pounds for it, well with one bill and
anoth­er she had to give all her money,
and this Spring one of their cred­i­tors wrote
for all his mon­ey and her Hus­band was
not able to meet with the demand so
he had to call a meet­ing of all his creditors
and the all agreed to take 10 shillings to
the pound they got 3.6 and 9 months to
make their pay­ments.  Your Niece Virginia
nev­er knew of it until three days previous
to the meet­ing and I, her dear friend, never
did see any­thing like her grief. Indeed it
was thought she would have gone out of
her mind but she bore up like a Chris­t­ian and
I told her she was not to blame as she had
wrought so con­stant in her shop had gained
so much cus­tom and they were doing so well
she would not allow her Hus­band to get
an assis­tant to keep down the expense. I asked
her to write her kind good Uncles her
cir­cum­stances and they would soon send
help but she said oh no I could not think
of doing such a thing as they were far to
kind to her and all her sis­ters, so please
don’t blame her in caus­ing me to write this
let­ter to you as she or her Hus­band or any
of her friends are not the least aware of
it being wrote. So kind Sir if you would
send her some mon­ey you would nev­er miss it
and it would be the means of set­ting her
up in the world and as they left themselves
want­i­ng any means to pay their cred­i­tors and
your Niece Vir­ginia is such a noble person.
She says “Oh if God pleas­es to spare me my
health to I would pay the last far­thing of
debt I would die hap­py.”  I have not a
a sin­gle friend I would pre­fer before her
since she came to this town she has been
a mod­el Woman and wrought all she
has one lit­tle son a promising
boy he is and his age I think would be
now about 7 years and two love­ly lit­tle daughters
aged 2 years and one year her own health is
very del­i­cate, so kind Sir I trust you will
for­give me for address­ing you this is every word
true and your Niece and her Hus­band above would
for­ev­er reward them for it and for Gods sake
send her the mon­ey.  Farewell good bye and God will
bless you.

This Week in History: October 11

It’s all busi­ness this week at Camp­bell House.  This is a let­ter from Robert to his asso­ciate, Major John Dougher­ty where he talks about a suc­cess­ful sale of furs.  “Mrs. Camp­bel­l’s sit­u­a­tion” that he refers to is the impend­ing birth of son Hazlett on Novem­ber 23rd.  (This was the first Hazlett.….he would die of measles on his third birth­day.)  Major Dougher­ty was the sut­ler at Bel­lvue along the Mis­souri Riv­er.  A “sut­ler” is a mer­chant who sells goods to moun­tain men or sol­diers.  Bel­lvue was depict­ed by Swiss artist Karl Bod­mer in the print below.


Saint Louis Oct 18th 1853

Bel­lvue, Mr. Dougher­ty’s Agency 

Major John Dougherty

Dear Sir
Your favor of 8th inst was duly received and the Buf­fa­lo Robes and Beaver came to hand and have been sold I think remark­ably well. I sold the Robes at 350/100 each and the Beaver at 250/100 and the large Wolf at 1.25 each the small Wolf at 75.
The Robes will not hold out in count — this is in part to be account­ed for from 30 half Robes hav­ing evi­dent­ly been count­ed as whole Robes — there were also 6 Red Calf.  I have had a count which makes the Robes 2162 and 6 Red Calf but when the Robes are all baled up we can then count them over again and cor­rect the present count. I con­sid­er the sale the very best that I have made this sea­son con­sid­er­ing the late­ness of the peri­od that they came to mar­ket — Chouteau & Co would only give 331/100 for the Robes.

I have tak­en the Fort Kearny Robes myself at $360/100 each as I con­sid­ered them worth more than the gen­er­al aver­age. This you will write me your opin­ion about as they belong to us joint­ly.  I do not think it pos­si­ble for me to vis­it you this sea­son as Mrs Camp­bells sit­u­a­tion will keep me at home next month. It is under­stood that Maj Ruff will be placed at Jeff Bar­racks and this will doubtly bring you here — our busi­ness should be settled.
I agree with you that Mr Vaugh­an had no right to trade in cat­tle on his own account whilst hired to us — we are enti­tled to the benefit

Robert Campbell

This Week in History: October 4

This week’s let­ter was writ­ten by Mary Camp­bell (Robert’s broth­er Hugh’s wife) to Vir­ginia. Mary had an endear­ing sense of humor and she was well-loved by Robert, Vir­ginia and their chil­dren. Her style was chat­ty and self-depre­ci­at­ing, and all of her let­ters con­tain a good bit of gos­sip. We’re par­tic­u­lar­ly fond of the final para­graph, which is exem­plary of her per­son­al­i­ty.  The adorable James (some­times Jamie) Mary refers to is Robert and Vir­gini­a’s first child who was born in May of 1842. See the notes at the end of the post for lots of inter­est­ing infor­ma­tion. Thank you to vol­un­teer and lead reseach­er Tom for his hard work tran­scrib­ing this let­ter and cre­at­ing the notes.
Oct 2

Mrs. Robert Campbell
Saint Louis Missouri

[Page 1]
Philadel­phia Oct. 2nd / [18]43
My dear Virginia,
This morn­ing our vis­i­tors have all depart­ed, even Pon­son­by leaves at 10 o’clock – we break­fast­ed at 6 – & the first act of my lib­er­ty is to write you, who must feel a wee bit neglect­ed by us all – Mag you know nev­er can write in a hur­ry, & indeed she has had full occu­pa­tion; for my whole time has been passed in the streets, & all the house­keep­ing has devot­ed on her as well as enter­tain­ing the friends that remained at home –
Miss McKim­mon was with us near­ly 3 weeks, a Miss Oak­ley was here before her, & a Miss Atkin­son came the very day Miss O left – & of course many oth­ers have been spend­ing days & evenings with us – I have had in addi­tion numer­ous orders; all which are now closed except yours & I shall wait for fur­ther orders from you in regard to your bon­net as I know you can­not wear ours for some weeks.
About the last of this month the win­ter fash­ions will be opened, & then I can get you what you like – the mousse linen you marked, were not new in style & they were in 12 yd lengths – so I did not take them – I have since cho­sen a cash­mere for you, but that has only 13 yds – it is impos­si­ble to get of any thing very new or styl­ish, a larg­er quan­ti­ty – but if I can I will exchange yours or keep it myself – Mrs. McKim­mon had 18 yds put in a dress – but it was too much of a good thing – Miss Rodgers won’t use 20 yds if you gain it here.  [End page 1]

[Page 2]
I have been look­ing for a hat & coat for dear lit­tle Jamie, the weath­er has how­ev­er con­tin­ued so warm, that noth­ing has yet been made up – I hope the few cold days of last week will bring out some­thing – this morn­ing how­ev­er gives promise of a “summer’s day” & I nev­er suf­fered with the heat as much as dur­ing the last month – this very day work was almost insuf­fer­able – how have you born it –
I can­not tell you how relieved I was at the receipt of your let­ter from home – I had seen Mrs. Phillips the day before & had heard from her sis­ter at Cincin­nati, & you were all suf­fer­ing from the heat & uncom­fort­able bouts & you worn out with nurs­ing James – I feared you would not get safe­ly to St. Louis but you can bear a great deal, not one of the del­i­cate kind at all – I wish I knew how you were at this moment – I was dream­ing about you all Sat­ur­day night – I thought the lit­tle boy had made his  appear­ance & all were doing well – I awoke call­ing to Mr. C. that Jamie had a lit­tle broth­er – you will be pleased if it is so but I would pre­fer a girl –
In accor­dance with Robert’s desire, I select­ed a present for Mrs. McKim­mon – I tried to find out if they want­ed any thing about the house or table, such as a cake bas­ket, etc. but they have every­thing – Mrs. McK had no jew­el­ry but a sim­ple mosa­ic breast­pin – so I ordered a very pret­ty amethyst bracelet & pin put in a very nice case – all cost­ing $22.25 – which I gave Mr. McK for his wife a few days before they left – they all seemed delight­ed, but Mr. McK thought the oblig­a­tions were all on his side & that he should be mak­ing you the present – he said he would with Robert very soon – he is a most estimable man – his wife a mer­ry heart­ed thought­less crea­ture – she kept us all alive while here.  Mag & she car­ried on in great style – you would have been amused. [End page 2]

[Page 3]
I heard with great regret of Mr. John Kerr’s ill health – I thought he had attained an age when dis­eases of the lungs were not to be at all dread­ed – his wife’s care engaged all our sym­pa­thies; how lit­tle could we fore­see, that our fears would be so soon called forth for him – I trust he will yet be well again – present my kind­est regards to both – how is your friend Mrs. Lee – get­ting well I hope – [torn] McCaus­land an [torn] died – the poor lit­tle orphans what will become of them.
I received a let­ter from Mrs Ash­ley a few was ago – full of affec­tion & sen­ti­ment, the mean­ing of which was to hang on a box of arti­cles from Miss Brinton’s (the nan­ti­na­mak­er [?]) for Mary’s wed­ding – which event she announces to us in great con­fi­dence.  I was amused at such excel­lence of dis­tin­guished con­sid­er­a­tion – it was a [ ] the news was so stale – the match is all she could desire except on account of Mary’s extreme youth – The box was sent a week ago & will be there before you receive this –
Mrs. Bak­er con­tin­ues con­fined to bed – & has become extreme­ly ner­vous; imag­ines she has all sorts of dis­eases – but I think the ner­vous­ness is by far the worst – as more as she goes out & is amused she will be well enough – Matil­da com­plains too great­ly  – Mrs. Archie quite nears you in size now – she expects another
Camp­bell in 6 weeks or even so – so all com­plaints last sum­mer will end as I expect­ed – Mag & me have our new bon­nets, we got them at Mary Wharton’s open­ing – Mag’s is even firm enough to please you – it is yel­low how­ev­er, that is not your taste but very becom­ing to me with a beau­ti­ful feath­er – mine is blue again – not dark – a  French bon­net every thing match­ing beau­ti­ful­ly – very gen­teel – I intend­ed to get white, could not find one ready made, & all thought this so becom­ing.  I advised Mag to exchange the silk you gave her for one of longer length & less like the silk she has – she did so with great reluctance

[Enve­lope – top of page]
but as you want­ed her to be so fine when she comes to St. Louis it was the only chance she had of get­ting a trimmed silk dress – I have got­ten noth­ing for myself yet – I send out a box to my sis­ter Bet­sy today con­tain­ing some things for her, my moth­er & Mrs. Reynolds – I hope they will go expe­di­tious­ly.  There is noth­ing new among our friends – I have been too busy to vis­it any­one.  I have not called at Mrs. Jen­nings since you left but I must go there some time today to ask when Mrs. Phillips goes to St. Louis – Give my best love to Mrs. Kerr – I hope her teeth are all now right & comfortable

[Enve­lope – bot­tom of page]
I have not received a let­ter from your moth­er yet – Mrs. McK saw her the night before she left Raleigh – she was very well as all your friends were – she hears Ellen is very hap­py – Mr. Otey very kind – West­on Gales has been on here & sev­er­al Raleigh peo­ple – Mr. G. has court­ed Mrs. Nel­son twice – she objects to the chil­dren but I think she will yet mar­ry him – Bob John­ston is engaged to Miss Nor­ris of our city  – pret­ty but poor – how comes on Mar­cel­lous & Miss G.F.?  Miss Tevis is to be mar­ried next month – I expect your uncle David & wife soon to make us a vis­it – I hope they will not come until I get the car­pets all down & the house a lit­tle in order & some­thing to put on my back –

[Page 1 – side of page]
Dear lit­tle Jamie we talk of him every day – Mr. C quite longs to see him, does he begin to talk yet – kiss him a thou­sand times for us – he is remem­bered by all & your friends make the kind­est inquiries for you – Pon­son­by goes to school to Hartwick near Coop­er­stown in the state of New York  – a school rec­om­mend­ed by Miss Craft – he dis­likes going again among strangers – & I pre­sume this will be the last trial –

[Page 2 – side of page]
Robert I sup­pose is as busy as a bee – the busi­ness is all over here – Mar­ket it looks qui­et & order­ly again too much so to please the mer­chants – Mr. Moore has sent for me to look at a sec­re­tary he has fin­ished that he thinks will suit Robert – I will call in a day or so – I am pleased you have not tak­en that house of Larkins – I would rather have a worse habi­ta­tion & a bet­ter house – get a new one if possible.

[Page 3 – side of page]
Farewell dear Vir­ginia – we await with anx­i­ety news from you – I trust we will soon hear that all is true & well with you – Mag sends a thou­sand loves & kiss­es to James – she is writ­ing her sis­ter Ellen to whom she has not any of writ­ten for a long time  – we had a delight­ful let­ter from her recent­ly – she is very hap­py – James & all well – James cau­tioned trav­el­ing with ague & fever – Do you hear from Har­ri­et – I expect­ed vis­it­ing her soon after you left but have not done so – My best love to your [ ] of a hus­band – May God bless you all – I am still grow­ing fat­ter – don’t you pity me – I threat­en to sleep only 3 or 4 hours & to eat very lit­tle & walk all the time – but I dare say I will pur­sue the even ten­der of my way – although it will shock you to see your fat cousin next spring – Good­bye again
Mary Campbell
Moth­er & friends send love – I can­not read this over now will you be able to make it out I fear

[End let­ter]

Note:  Pon­son­by Kyle was the son of William Kyle, broth­er to Hazlett Kyle (the father of Vir­ginia Campbell).

Note:  The Campbell’s first child, James Alexan­der Camp­bell, was born 14 May 1842 and there­fore would have been 1 year and 5 months of age at the time of this letter.

Note:  The Campbell’s sec­ond child, and the first to be named Hugh, was born on 9 Octo­ber 1843, one week after this let­ter was writ­ten.  Sad­ly he died of pneu­mo­nia four months lat­er, on 15 Feb­ru­ary 1844.

Note:  Miss E. Brin­ton ran a dress­mak­ing estab­lish­ment at No. 122 Chest­nut Street in Philadel­phia.  Curi­ous­ly enough, “Nan­ti­na” is a con­tem­po­rary mak­er of wed­ding dress­es in Athens, Greece.  I have not been able to deter­mine if this was a term used in Vic­to­ri­an times.

Note: Hartwick Sem­i­nary was found­ed in 1797 through the will of John Christo­pher Hartwick, a Luther­an min­is­ter from Ger­many, who led sev­er­al mis­sion con­gre­ga­tions of ear­ly set­tlers along the Hud­son Riv­er and the Mohawk Riv­er in what is now upstate New York.  Short­ly after his death, his dream of estab­lish­ing an insti­tu­tion of high­er learn­ing became a real­i­ty with the found­ing of Hartwick Sem­i­nary in 1797. The New York State Leg­is­la­ture in 1816 incor­po­rat­ed the new school – the first Luther­an sem­i­nary in Amer­i­ca – as a clas­si­cal acad­e­my and the­o­log­i­cal sem­i­nary, in the Town of Hartwick, just south­west of the vil­lage of Coop­er­stown.  The school moved to its present loca­tion in 1928 with land donat­ed by the City of Oneon­ta, when it was incor­po­rat­ed as a four-year col­lege.  Assum­ing that this let­ter has been cor­rect­ly tran­scribed, it is unclear why Pon­son­by Kyle would attend a Luther­an sem­i­nary, when pre­sum­ably his fam­i­ly was either Pres­by­ter­ian or Epis­co­palian.  How­ev­er, the will of William Kyle, Ponsonby’s father, stip­u­lat­ed: “I bequeath to Pon­son­by Kyle the son of Sophia C Lon­gins and now resid­ing in the City of New York the like sum of thir­teen thou­sand dol­lars to be paid him by my Execu­tors when he arrives at the age of twen­ty one years on the fol­low­ing con­di­tions and reser­va­tions: He shall be placed by my Execu­tors at some respectable sem­i­nary of learn­ing where he shall have the means of acquir­ing a good edu­ca­tion until of age if he man­i­fests a dis­po­si­tion and capac­i­ty for study.  But if my Execu­tors think oth­er­wise then it is my will and inten­tion that they bind him as an appren­tice to some respectable mechan­ic or trades­man until he arrives at age, and that they with­hold the above sum of thir­teen thou­sand dol­lars fur­nish­ing him only with the year­ly pro­ceeds there­of until they are of opin­ion that his con­duct and dis­po­si­tion is such as becomes the char­ac­ter of a peace­ful & wor­thy cit­i­zen to be then paid him by my Execu­tors & not sooner.”

Note:  For what it is worth, Har­ri­et Kyle McCaus­land was the daugh­ter of William Kyle, a Vir­gin­ian of Irish birth, who mar­ried Sarah A. Stephens, by whom he had a large fam­i­ly of chil­dren.  This William Kyle could pos­si­bly be the broth­er of Hazlett Kyle, though only two chil­dren are men­tioned in his will, William Sheri­dan Kyle and Pon­son­by Kyle.  Anoth­er William Kyle was list­ed as a broth­er of David Kyle, the father of Mary Camp­bell, in his brother’s Robert’s pro­bate records.  But that record con­tains no spousal infor­ma­tion and indi­cates no issue from William Kyle.  In any event, William Kyle was a farmer by occu­pa­tion and paid par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to the breed­ing of fine hors­es.  His res­i­dence was near Fair­cas­tle, VA.  Har­ri­et Kyle was born on Cataw­ba creek, in Bote­tourt coun­ty VA.  Her hus­band, John McCaus­land was a native of Coun­ty Tyrone, Ire­land.  He left Ire­land around the age of 21, land­ed at Bal­ti­more, and even­tu­al­ly set­tled in Lynch­burg VA, where he found tem­po­rary employ­ment with David Kyle.  From there he went to Huntsville AL, where he estab­lished a branch mer­can­tile house, mak­ing a spe­cial­ty of Irish linen.  Branch hous­es were also start­ed in Nashville and St. Louis, where John McCaus­land estab­lished his per­ma­nent res­i­dence.  In St. Louis, Gov. Polk appoint­ed him com­mis­sion­er to arrange the basis for tax­a­tion for St. Louis.  John McCaus­land mar­ried Har­ri­et Kyle while she was vis­it­ing friends in St. Louis.  They had three chil­dren: the eldest, Lau­ra, died in infan­cy; Robert K. became a physi­cian, and John A. (b. 13 Sept 1837) entered the mil­i­tary and was a famous Con­fed­er­ate Civ­il War general.

Note:  West­on Raleigh Gales (20 April 1802 – 23 July1848) was the son of Joseph Gales (1761–1841), a print­er in Sheffield, Eng­land, who found­ed the Sheffield Reg­is­ter and got in trou­ble with the author­i­ties for sup­port­ing the French Rev­o­lu­tion.  In 1794, he fled to the free city of Ham­burg, and immi­grat­ed with his fam­i­ly to Philadel­phia in 1795, where he was employed by the Amer­i­can Dai­ly Adver­tis­er, where he cov­ered speech­es in the U.S. Sen­ate.  He found­ed the Inde­pen­dent Gazetteer and did print­ing work for a num­ber of con­gress­men.  In 1798, mem­bers of the North Car­oli­na del­e­ga­tion offered him the state-print­ing con­tract, and he sold the paper to Samuel Har­ri­son Smith in 1799, moved to Raleigh and estab­lished the Raleigh Reg­is­ter.  “It was the lead­ing polit­i­cal voice in North Car­oli­na, first for the Repub­li­cans and, after 1824, for the Nation­al Repub­li­cans of Adams and Clay.”  He took William Win­ston Seaton as a part­ner in 1806, who mar­ried one of his daugh­ters.  An appren­tice, Fran­cis Lums­den, was the cofounder of the New Orleans Picayune.  Joseph Gales was edi­tor until his retire­ment in 1833, at which time his son West­on Gales took over.  Joseph Gales’ wife was Winifred Mar­shall, a writer and also cousin to Lord Mel­bourne.  The office and the Gales’ home were in the 300 block of Fayet­teville Street, direct­ly south of the Wake Coun­ty Cour­t­house.  Their first son was Joseph Gales Jr. (1786–1860), who had been expelled from the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na, became a part­ner of his father’s old asso­ciate from Philadel­phia, Samuel Har­ri­son Smith, in the Nation­al Intel­li­gencer in Wash­ing­ton, D.C.  His sec­ond son, West­on Gales (1802–1848)(who was expelled from Yale) joined the Raleigh Reg­is­ter in 1821.  He mar­ried Love Swain Free­man (23 July 1806 – 24 Jan 1842) at Sand­wich, Barn­sta­ble, MA on 22 April 1825.  They had four chil­dren: Annie Free­man (b.1826‑d.1894); Seaton (b.1828‑d.1891); Altona Forster (b.1831‑d.1860); and West­on Jr. (b.1833‑d.1835).  Fol­low­ing the sud­den death of the first Mrs. Gales (at age 35) in 1842, West­on nev­er mar­ried “Mrs. Nel­son.”  Instead, on 8 Jan­u­ary 1844 he mar­ried Mary Spies, the eldest daugh­ter of John J. Spies, in New York City.  West­on had become edi­tor of the Raleigh Reg­is­ter fol­low­ing his father’s retire­ment in 1833 and con­tin­ued until his own death in 1848.  Weston’s son Seaton (1828–1878) then became edi­tor until the paper was sold in 1856 to John Symes of Vir­ginia.  The Gales had been Uni­tar­i­ans since their days in Sheffield, where they knew Joseph Priest­ley, who also became a refugee in Philadel­phia.   Joseph Gales Sr. and West­on Gales are buried in Old City Ceme­tery in Raleigh NC (same as Hazlett Kyle).

Note: “Mrs. Nel­son” is Mar­garet Poumairat Nel­son, the old­er sis­ter of Amelia Poumairat McKim­mon, the wife of James McKim­mon.  Margaret’s first hus­band was Dr. Arthur Nel­son (b. c1791 – d. 5 Oct 1841).  Mar­garet Poumairat (old­est daugh­ter of John Poumairat) m. Arthur Nel­son 28 March 1835 in Bal­ti­more MD (accord­ing to Bal­ti­more mar­riage records.  How­ev­er, the Nation­al Genealog­i­cal Soci­ety Quar­ter­ly states they were mar­ried 30 March 1835).  Dr. Arthur Nel­son had pre­vi­ous­ly been a doc­tor in St. Louis.  A pro­fes­sion­al card was first pub­lished in Mis­souri on April 24, 1818 — “Dr. Arthur Nel­son ten­ders his pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices to the cit­i­zens of St. Louis and its vicin­i­ty.”  On 25 May 1819 Arthur Nel­son mar­ried Miss Eleano­ra Gantt, the daugh­ter of Dr. Edward S. Gantt.  Until 1820 he oper­at­ed a drug­store with his med­ical prac­tice, how­ev­er he appears to have left St. Louis by 1821 and died 5 Oct 1841 in Raleigh NC.  He is buried in the City Ceme­tery (close to the McKim­mon graves).  Note too that Dr. Nel­son was the bonds­man at the McKim­mon wed­ding, he pos­si­bly hav­ing intro­duced James McKim­mon to his wife’s sis­ter when the sis­ter was vis­it­ing Raleigh from Bal­ti­more.  After Arthur’s death, Mar­garet Nel­son lived with the McKim­mon fam­i­ly until she mar­ried Judge Robert Strange (b. 20 Sept 1796 in Vir­ginia – d. 19 Feb 1854 in Fayet­teville NC) on 11 Oct 1853 at Christ Church in Raleigh NC.  Strange was a for­mer U.S. Sen­a­tor from North Car­oli­na and then a lawyer in Fayet­teville NC.  Fol­low­ing his death in 1854, Mar­garet moved back into the McKim­mon home.  With­in the course of five years, numer­ous tragedies impact­ed the McKim­mon fam­i­ly:  the fam­i­ly busi­ness­es slid into bank­rupt­cy as there was noth­ing to sell and no one to buy; Amelia McKim­mon died in 1861; Mar­garet Nel­son Strange died in 1863 of scar­let fever; James McKim­mon had to sell his inter­est in his hotel busi­ness and lat­er sell his house; James died in 1866.  As a result the five chil­dren, three of whom had fought in the Civ­il War, had noth­ing but debts when the war end­ed.  One teenage daugh­ter received a let­ter from her broth­er who had returned from the war that there was no place for her to live and that she would have to stay at school.  A younger daugh­ter evi­dent­ly had to be put up for adoption.

Note: Eleanor (Ellen) Kyle (b. c1815 in Coun­ty Tyrone, Ire­land – d.  March 1844) – mar­ried James W. Stephen­son on 12 Decem­ber 1834 in St. Louis, MO.  James W. Stephen­son was born in1806 in Brooke Coun­ty VA (now West Vir­ginia).  His fam­i­ly moved to the Illi­nois Ter­ri­to­ry (in present day Edwardsville, IL) in 1808, where Gov­er­nor Edwards appoint­ed his father, Ben­jamin Stephen­son, the first sher­iff of Ran­dolph Coun­ty under the ter­ri­to­r­i­al gov­ern­ment.  Ben­jamin Stephen­son also served as rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the Illi­nois Ter­ri­to­ry in Con­gress and reg­is­ter of Lands at Edwardsville.  James Stephen­son went to Gale­na in Jo Daviess Coun­ty in 1828 at age 22.  In 1832 at age 26 he orga­nized a band of mount­ed rangers in the Black Hawk War and was named cap­tain.  In July 1832 he was named lieu­tenant colonel of Dodge’s forces.  Fol­low­ing the Black Hawk War he became clerk of the coun­ty court, clerk of the cir­cuit court, coun­ty recorder, and looked for polit­i­cal oppor­tu­ni­ties.  He also sought appoint­ment as a gov­ern­ment sur­vey­or.  He was elect­ed to the Illi­nois Sen­ate in August 1834.  Col. James Stephen­son mar­ried Ellen Kyle on 11 Dec1834 at Christ Church in St. Louis, MO.  In Feb­ru­ary 1835, he was appoint­ed Reg­is­ter of Lands at Gale­na and Chica­go.  In that same month, David Kyle, father of Ellen, died in St. Louis.  Hugh Camp­bell, in a few let­ters to his broth­er, report­ed how he solicit­ed “Major Stephenson’s” assis­tance to set­tle the David Kyle estate.  There­fore, it was not until 22 April 1835, in a let­ter from William Sub­lette to Robert Camp­bell was it report­ed “Mr. & Mrs. Stephen­son leaves to day for Gale­na.”  By 1838, James Stephen­son was a can­di­date for IL gov­er­nor, but with­drew because of health and per­son­al cir­cum­stances.  They had two chil­dren: a son DeKyle (aka Kyle) (b. c1836- d. c1864) and a daugh­ter Lucy (1837–1838).  James Stephen­son died in Gale­na on 12 August 1838 of tuber­cu­lo­sis.  The daugh­ter Lucy died with­in the same year.  Ellen Stephen­son moved to Freeport IL with her son Kyle, to live with her sis­ter Jane, the wife of John A. Clark.  On 4 May 1843, Ellen mar­ried Col. James Mitchell (b. 14 June 1810 – d. 12 August 1874), one of the most promi­nent bankers in Freeport.  [This let­ter, dat­ed 2 Oct 1843, thus refers to Ellen’s sec­ond hus­band James Mitchell.]  Ellen died of tuber­cu­lo­sis in March 1844 at age 29, nine months after she remar­ried. A few months after Ellen’s death, James Mitchell mar­ried John A. Clark’s sis­ter, Cather­ine.  John A. and Jane Clark (Ellen’s sis­ter) raised her son Kyle.  Lat­er, Kyle had his father’s remains moved from Gale­na and interred in Freeport City Ceme­tery along with his moth­er and lit­tle sis­ter.  Kyle Stephen­son died of tuber­cu­lo­sis in Arkansas in 1864.