Tag Archives: Aughalane

This week in history: January 23-January 29

Today we post some­thing from our more recent past — a let­ter from Robert Camp­bel­l’s North­ern Ire­land descen­dants.  On Jan­u­ary 29, 1927, Char­lotte Mac­Cul­loch, who lived at Ball­yarton, wrote to her cousin Albert Alexan­der Camp­bell in Belfast.  She talks about their shared search for fam­i­ly his­to­ry and explains why Augh­a­lane house were not just ordi­nary farm­ers: “There is no doubt in my mind that …….. right­ly or wrong­ly our “great” con­sid­ered him­self and must have been of some impor­tance. Augh­a­lane house is not built in the ordi­nary com­fort­able farm­house style but more like a house for ‘gen­try’.”  Char­lotte Mac­Cul­loch is the great-aunt of The Camp­bell Quest author Patrick Camp­bell Mac­Cul­loch!  The let­ter was tran­scribed by Frank Collins of the Ulster Amer­i­can Folk Park — the Folk Park gave Camp­bell House Muse­um tran­scrip­tions at the Euro­pean release of The Camp­bell Quest in August, 2009. We hope you enjoy the con­ver­sa­tion of some new­er Camp­bell fam­i­ly members!


Jan­u­ary 29th 1927.

My Dear Albert.

I have almost decid­ed on our ances­tor!  Of the two papers which Mar­garet John­son sent, and of which I got copies typed you remem­ber, one was evi­dent­ly a writ­ten up one giv­ing no infor­ma­tion except for a peer­age.  The oth­er was an old and fad­ed writ­ing evi­dent­ly done by one of the fam­i­ly many years ago. It was head­ed “9th Earl” but of course gave no con­nec­tion with our branch. How­ev­er a let­ter from the Belfast New let­ter dat­ed May 30th (no year Giv­en) from some one in Brighton ask­ing for infor­ma­tion about the Tyrone Camp­bell fam­i­ly said that a Dun­can Camp­bell fam­i­ly of Inver­ary came to Lon­don­der­ry at the time of the Plan­ta­tion of Ulster by James 1st.

In your book a sec­ond son of the 9th Earl mar­ried twice and if his sec­ond family2 sons Niel and Alexan­der are unac­count­ed for. I think we take your name­sake Alexan­der for our grand sire! The ninth Earl had a son Charles which is only men­tioned as liv­ing in 1718. He also might be our lit­tle hope. Ellen says that some author­i­ty in the fam­i­ly told her that at our time there was only one or two lives between our ances­tors and the head­ship of the clan. Might not this Alexan­der son of a sec­ond son fit in with that?

There is no doubt in my mind that …….. right­ly or wrong­ly our “great” con­sid­ered him­self and must have been of some impor­tance. Augh­a­lane house is not built in the ordi­nary com­fort­able farm­house style but more like a house for “gen­try”. Also that will of his mak­ing his prop­er­ty (but he didn’t suc­ceed) not be sold by any of his sons except to each oth­er was not like the ordi­nary farm­ers wil.  Also he brought Glen­cap­pagh two years after he built that house which shows there must have been some money.

I am send­ing a …. fam­i­ly “tree” but would like to con­nect up with “Alexander’s”

Please let me know- and you won’t offend me by so doing- if I am keep­ing your books too long. I’d like to com­pare the plate with it and also show it to Dean King, but nether thing is impor­tant if I’ve tres­pass­ing on your good nature in lend­ing me the book.

We got two copies of Mr Logan’s book, one for Albert…….. at Christ­mas, and one for Ellen’s birth­day in Jan­u­ary. She says it is very inter­est­ing, I mean the “School Howlers”. We  shall get it lat­er I hadn’t time to read it before it went away.

Love from all here

Yours ever Affectly


This Week in History: August 4–10

Spar­ta, Wis Aug. 5/74

Dear Robert
I have your of 28 ult
Inclos­ing an excel­lent let­ter from our
Niece Mary It gives the best account
Of our poor sis­ters sad acci­dent, and is
Quite dis­cour­ag­ing in every respect.
It is here­with returned,
I also inclose Mary T let­ter to me
And the let­ter of our nephew R. B.C.
You will rec­ol­lect that the last let­ter to
Me from this fel­low gave me some lying
Details of fam­i­ly quar­rels and requested
Me to turn sis­ter Ann out of Aughalane
As being the cause of all their trou­bles! He
Doubt­less wished to suc­ceed her in the
Occu­pan­cy of the old house and this
Let­ter to me is evi­dent­ly writ­ten with
The same view. I feel cer­tain that if I had
Writ­ten to him in reply he would have used
My let­ter as author­i­ty to take pos­ses­sion. He
Is a bad and dan­ger­ous scoundrell.

[next page]

I shall be glad to learn that your
Vis­it to the Pres­i­dent proved agreeable -
Yet I scarce­ly expect that it was. The
Only thing that annoys me is the prompt
Appoint­ment of your suc­ces­sions & retaining
The same name. The new commissioners
Being all of the Sec­re­tary’s selec­tion, will only
Serve to enlarge the “Indi­an Ring: and in
Future his­to­ry their acts will read as yours.
I would protest, and insist that some
Change should be made in the style & title
Of this con­gre­ga­tion of See: Delaon, friends.
I have already sug­gest­ed that you
Should send dft to Ann on D Stu­art & Co fo 50 pounds
By way of pay­ing expens­es atten­dant on her
Acci­dent, If you con­cur with me in
This, I would beg you to write a kind
Reply to Mary & M.C. for both of us & inclose
In your let­ter the dft, pay. To Ann’s order
Under no cir­cum­stances do I desire
That either you or I should cor­re­spond with
Our nephew. They are cun­ning & treacherous;
And would use our let­ters for bad purposes.

[next page]

Hugh sent me from Nehol­son’s 8
Bot­tles of whiskey. The bot­tles were a cross
Between quarts & pints — with a preponderance
In favour of the lat­ter. They have very nearly
Evap­o­rat­ed, Please send half a dozen more
By express — not quite so new and finery.
You will also oblige by direct­ing the
“News & Book store” to for­ward the July number
of Black­wood & pay postage if required.
Sub­scrip­tion has been paid — 4th st. near olive
A let­ter from Hugh recd. this morning
Shows that he is unwill­ing to go eastward
I beg that you will urge him to go He needs
A lit­tle fresh air and relax­ation, after the
Heat­ed term in St. Louis
We all get along famous­ly. It seems
That I have gained 3 lbs since my arrival.
Mary does not wish to acknowl­edge a single
Pound addi­tion­al — and Mary T says nothing.
All join me in kind regards to you & Hugh
I trust this will meet you on your arrival
Ever tru­ly yours
H. Campbell