Tag Archives: Devonshire cream

Valentine’s Day at Campbell House with the London Tea Room

It’s time to start plan­ning a spe­cial Valen­tine’s Day fete with your sweet­iekins! For­get the same ol’ crowd­ed bars and restau­rants, and let Camp­bell House take care of your night. At 6:00 PM on Tues­day, Feb­ru­ary 14, 2012, bring your spe­cial some­one over to the house for a high tea host­ed by our pals from the Lon­don Tea Room.

This is what’s cookin:

  • Upon arrival, toast this day of romance and love with a glass of Vir­ginia Camp­bel­l’s Roman (read: Cham­pagne) Punch.* While wait­ing for the culi­nary bac­cha­na­lia, you can explore our house, one of the coun­try’s finest exam­ples of high Vic­to­ri­an inte­ri­or decor.
  • After you get com­fort­able seat­ed at a table in the Par­lor, Morn­ing Room, Din­ing Room or Kitchen, you will enjoy the fol­low­ing delicacies: 
    • An assort­ment of fin­ger sand­wich­es, includ­ing smoked salmon on wheat; ham on rye with grain mus­tard mayo; and cucum­ber on cream cheese with dill and chives.
    • Tra­di­tion­al Eng­lish black cur­rant scone, served with Devon­shire cream and jam.
    • Selec­tion of beau­ti­ful petit fours.
    • A per­son­al pot of tea, reg­u­lar or decaf.
  • We’re going to dig through our archive to find some excep­tion­al lovey-dovey-themed Camp­bell pieces (yep, we have a lot of these…Robert and Vir­ginia were crazy about each oth­er) to dis­play for this evening only.
  • When you leave, you’ll receive a good­ie bag with tea dis­count cards, pass­es for free admis­sion to Camp­bell House, infor­ma­tion on Vic­to­ri­an Valen­tine’s Day tra­di­tions, and a copy of one of Robert and Vir­gini­a’s love let­ters, along with some oth­er choice loot.

Tick­ets are $45.00 each, and Lon­don Tea Room will be donat­ing $12.50 of each tick­et to Camp­bell House. Ready to make your reser­va­tion? Give us a ring at 314/421‑0325 with your Visa, Mas­ter­card or Dis­cov­er to hold your seats. We only have 36 seats avail­able, so call us ear­ly — we think this is going to be a big hit.

*Roman Punch is a tra­di­tion­al palate-cleans­ing drink that was often served between savory cours­es. If you want to make a batch at home, here’s a mod­ern­ized ver­sion of Vir­gini­a’s recipe:

Vir­ginia Camp­bel­l’s Roman Punch
1 12-oz can frozen lemonade
1 12-oz can of water
4 T frozen orange concentrate
Zest of one orange
2/3 bot­tle of champagne
In a blender, blitz lemon­ade, water, orange con­cen­trate, and zest. Pour mix­ture into a con­tain­er suit­able for freez­ing and add cham­pagne. Mix well and freeze. When ready to serve, thaw to make a slush and serve. Enjoy!