Tag Archives: Robert Motherwell

Campbell Contemporaries » 6.21.12

We know it’s hot, but there are too many fun things hap­pen­ing this week­end to spend it inside play­ing on Facebook.….

Fri­day, June 22

  • Kick off the week­end right on with an out­door con­cert fea­tur­ing St. Louis favorite Pokey LaFarge and the South City Three who will be per­form­ing at Art Hill Plaza (the paved area around the stat­ue of St. Louis in front of the St. Louis Art Muse­um). This will be well-attend­ed, so the audi­ence will cer­tain­ly spill out onto Art Hill. Bring a blan­ket and some drinks, and enjoy Pokey’s fun blend of jazz, blue­grass and folk. The music starts at 7 p.m. Free. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOzmOZQdcYY&w=400&h=225]
  • Did you miss the Shake­speare Fes­ti­val on Art Hill? You still have a chance to see Shake­speare under the stars in Fron­tier Park in St. Charles. The River­side Shake­speare Com­pa­ny will per­form the pop­u­lar As You Like It Thurs­day, Fri­day and Sat­ur­day night at 8 p.m., with an open­ing act begin­ning at 7:30 p.m. Free.
  • See the cir­cus before it’s too late! This is the last week­end to see Cir­cus Flo­ra, St. Louis’ pop­u­lar one-ring cir­cus in Grand Cen­ter. Tick­ets are still avail­able for Thurs­day, Fri­day, Sat­ur­day and Sunday.

Sat­ur­day, June 23

Robert Moth­er­well, “Dance III,” one of the pieces in SLUMA’s exhibit.

  • Our neigh­bors down the street at Saint Louis Uni­ver­si­ty Art Muse­um are exhibit­ing work by abstract expres­sion­ist Robert Moth­er­well.  His paint­ings and col­lages of sim­ple lines and col­or blocks are bright and vibrant, and they often chal­lenge you to look at them — and the world around you — with a new per­spec­tive. The Moth­er­well exhib­it will be open through July 22nd. Admis­sion to SLUMA is free, and the gal­leries are open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednes­day through Sunday.
  • Spend the day out­side. Start with the self-guid­ed Soulard Gar­den Tour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., while enjoy­ing live music, shop­ping and art along the leisure­ly route. After you’ve had your spe­cial peek at the gar­dens in one of St. Louis’ most beau­ti­ful neigh­bor­hoods, stop by.….
  • …the Con­tem­po­rary Art Muse­um’s out­side show­ing of Jacques Tati’s 1967 French com­e­dy Play Time. The film will be shown on one of the exte­ri­or walls of the Muse­um, and live jazz music will accom­pa­ny the movie. Free.

Sun­day, June 24

  • Check out Sauce Mag­a­zine’s Saucy Soiree at the swank Four Sea­sons Hotel. Your tick­et gets you two beers, sam­ples of food, wine and beer from some of the best restau­rants in town and then a con­cert on the rooftop ter­race. For more infor­ma­tion or to buy tick­ets ($30 in advance/$40 cash only at the door), vis­it Sauce’s web­site.
  • The build­ing has been around for awhile, but the Lemp Man­sion is cel­e­brat­ing their 35th year in busi­ness as a bed & break­fast and restau­rant this Sun­day from noon to 6 p.m. Vis­it the Lemp patio and gaze­bo for free food, lemon­ade, games and entertainment!