Tag Archives: Thanksgiving 2012

Happy Thanksgiving from CHM

A big thank you and a recipe:

2012 has been an extra­or­di­nary year for us at Camp­bell House, and we have lots to be thank­ful for:

  • Our guests. More of you have come through the house this year than ever before, and we’re glad you let us share our sto­ry with you. We appre­ci­ate your sup­port, and please keep com­ing. We try to have some­thing new and excit­ing to appeal to just about every­one, and your con­tin­ued inter­est and atten­dance helps us keep the doors open. It’s our esteemed plea­sure to be here for you.
  • All of our vol­un­teers, includ­ing docents, board mem­bers, researchers, gar­den help and gift shop staff. Much of the work around here is done by peo­ple who like Camp­bell House so darn much they come here unpaid just to lend a hand. We could­n’t keep this place in tip-top shape with­out your help, and we’re lucky to have you.
  • St. Louis. Robert and Vir­ginia liked St. Louis enough to call it home, and we’re proud to main­tain and share their house in such a won­der­ful city. We’re still hum­bled by the out­pour­ing of encour­age­ment after our bur­glary over the sum­mer. This real­ly is the best city on earth. (The Camp­bells were on to some­thing when they bought this place.)

In case you need a recipe for your turkey tomor­row, here’s one of Vir­gini­a’s spe­cial­ties: Boiled Turkey.


Take grat­ed bread, 1/4 lb but­ter, cream, chopped oys­ters, sweet marjoram
pep­per & salt & nut­meg mixed up the yolks of 3 eggs. Stuff it, flour it
& tie it up in a cloth, boil it an hour and a quarter.

[If you’re brave enough to try it, send pic­tures. And a review.…]

Hap­py Thanks­giv­ing from all of us at Camp­bell House!