Tag Archives: Ulysses S. Grant

Temporary Exhibit: The History of Slavery in St. Louis

Come vis­it the Camp­bell House in late April and ear­ly May for a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn about the his­to­ry of slav­ery in St. Louis. This tem­po­rary mini exhib­it, orga­nized by the Nation­al Park Ser­vice, Ulysses S. Grant Nation­al His­toric Site, will be on dis­play here from April 20th through May 5, 2024.

LECTURE: Forged in Missouri — Ulysses S. Grant and the Show-Me State

Join the Camp­bell House Muse­um for a lec­ture by author and Mis­souri Human­i­ties Staffer, Greg Wolk as he speaks about Ulysses S. Grant. Wolk will present a vivid por­trait of the ear­ly days of the Civ­il War and explain how Grant’s expe­ri­ences in Mis­souri impact­ed his rise to immor­tal fame as a soldier.

Punch and Pictures: An Evening with Ulysses S. Grant

Cel­e­brate the bicen­ten­ni­al of the birth of Ulysses S. Grant with an evening recep­tion and tour at the Camp­bell House Muse­um, the only house left in St. Louis where the Grants were enter­tained. Enjoy light refresh­ments (includ­ing Vir­ginia Camp­bel­l’s sig­na­ture Roman Punch) and have your pho­to tak­en with U.S. Grant (as por­trayed by Stan Prater). Civ­il War-themed tours of the Muse­um will be offered.

This event is part of the 9th Annu­al U.S. Grant Sym­po­sium. For more infor­ma­tion vis­it mohumanities.org/grant-symposium

Lim­it­ed free park­ing in the Muse­um lot. Metered street park­ing avail­able. Event is free. Reser­va­tions lim­it­ed to 35 people.

To reserve your spot please vis­it: Punch and Pic­tures: An Evening with Ulysses S. Grant Tick­ets, Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 5:00 PM | Eventbrite

Campbell Kids » Campbell House Goes to the Dogs

James’ young col­lies in Cam­bridge, MA. The sol­id brown one on the right is named Guy.

This Fri­day is Bring Your Dog to Work Day, and although we don’t want our staff’s pooches traips­ing through the rose gar­den, track­ing mud through the house and drool­ing on guests that come to the door, dogs have a long his­to­ry at Camp­bell House.

The Camp­bells loved their dogs, par­tic­u­lar­ly the youngest adult son James. He immor­tal­ized them not only in his Jules Lefeb­vre (pro­nounced “luh-FEV-ruh”) por­trait that hangs in the Library, but he also had pic­tures tak­en of them. Lots of pic­tures. After grad­u­at­ing from Yale Uni­ver­si­ty, James attend­ed Har­vard from 1886 through 1888 for law school. The pic­ture to the right cap­tured his beloved pair of col­lies in the dri­ve­way of his Cam­bridge home. (Awwww…)

After he grad­u­at­ed from Har­vard, James and his broth­ers Hugh and Hazlett took an extend­ed trip to Europe. Of course, the pups went along for the ride:

Pups on the bal­cony in Geneva.….

…stand­ing guard at the door­way to the Hotel Con­ra­di in Italy, and…

…sit­ting nice­ly for the cam­era in an unknown Euro­pean location.

The Camp­bells weren’t the only folks in his­to­ry who were wild about their pooches. A black New­found­land accom­pa­nied Lewis and Clark on their trek west. Cap­tain Meri­wether Lewis bought Sea­man the pup for $20 in Pitts­burgh before the expe­di­tion in 1803 while he was wait­ing for the boats to be completed.

The 1400-pound sculp­ture of Sea­man that sits at Sea­man’s Over­look in Wash­burn, North Dako­ta. (Sea­man is also fea­tured in a stat­ue of Lewis & Clark in St. Louis next to the Eads Bridge!)

Robert’s friend Ulysses S. Grant also owned a New­found­land named Faith­ful, and she lived in the White House while Grant was pres­i­dent! (Since the Grant and Camp­bell fam­i­lies were close friends, the Camp­bells sure­ly spent some time with Faithful.)

Pres­i­dent John F. Kennedy owned sev­er­al dogs (Char­lie, Pushin­ka, Clip­per, Shan­non, Wolf, White Tips, Black­ie and Streak­er), and he was the first pres­i­dent to request that his four-legged friends be allowed to greet him on the lawn when he arrived at the White House in the pres­i­den­tial helicopter.

Do you have a spe­cial fur­ry canine friend at home? Grab your pen­cil, paper, mark­ers and paint and make your very own por­trait! After you’re done and show your fam­i­ly, email a pic­ture of it to shel­ley [at] camp­bell­house­mu­se­um [dot] org, and we’ll post the sub­mis­sions on our blog! And you nev­er know.…we may decide to bring Har­vey and Vio­let to work next year.