Tag Archives: wedding dresses

Tying the Knot — 150 Years of Wedding Fashions

The Tying the Knot exhib­it fea­tures 20 wed­ding gowns, dress­es and ensem­bles that date from the 1870s all the way up to 2020. The exhib­it empha­sizes the tra­di­tion of the bride wear­ing white, which was pop­u­lar­ized by Queen Vic­to­ria at her mar­riage in Feb­ru­ary of 1840. and con­tin­ues to this day. Come explore this unique exhib­it and the past 150 years of wed­ding gown fash­ion! This exhib­it will be on dis­play until April 2024. $10 entry fee includes Muse­um guid­ed tour.