Tag Archives: Wheaton College

Meet the Interns » Sydney


Meet Syd­ney, one of our fan­tas­tic sum­mer interns who you will prob­a­bly see around the house when you come to vis­it this sum­mer. When she’s not pol­ish­ing her docent­ing skills, she has been research­ing the Camp­bells’ Pres­by­ter­ian faith. She loves her tea and kale sal­ads, and she has about the tee­ni­est writ­ing we’ve ever seen. Here’s Sydney!

What are you study­ing and where?
I’m a His­to­ry major and an Eng­lish minor at Wheaton Col­lege in Illinois.

Why Camp­bell House?
I was intrigued by the his­to­ry of the Camp­bell fam­i­ly and the house, and I was eager to see what it would be like to work at a museum.

What are you going to work on at CHM over the summer?
At this point I’m prepar­ing to give tours. I’m not sure what else I will be doing, but I’m sure it will be interesting!

When you aren’t slav­ing away at Camp­bell House, what are you doing?
Work­ing at an optometrist’s office, spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and friends, read­ing, and water-skiing.

Syd­ney’s itty-bit­ty writing.

What’s your favorite thing about Camp­bell House so far?
Spend­ing time in a place so steeped with his­to­ry and see­ing how vis­i­tors become cap­ti­vat­ed by the house and its story.

Favorite sand­wich:
A recent favorite is the pulled pork sand­wich from Big Sticky’s BBQ in Troy. Yum.

Favorite book:
Radioac­tive: Marie and Pierre Curie, a Tale of Love and Fall­out by Lau­ren Redniss

Unbreak­able habit:

Check back next week to learn all about Kate, our last (but cer­tain­ly not least) intern!