Extra! Extra! Read/Watch/Listen All About Us!

If you’ve picked up a paper, browsed online, lis­tened to the radio or turned on your TV in the last few weeks, chances are you’ve seen or heard some­thing about Camp­bell House, rang­ing from cov­er­age of our 70th Anniver­sary to the new Glo­ri­ous Gowns exhi­bi­tion that runs through the end of 2013. This week, instead of shar­ing a thrilling his­tor­i­cal nugget or some event­ful sto­ry of hap­pen­ings here in the house, we thought we’d con­sol­i­date all of the great press we’ve been get­ting over the past few weeks and give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to peruse the dif­fer­ent sto­ries- chances are you’ll come away with some tid­bit of infor­ma­tion about CHM that you did­n’t know before!

WILA cou­ple of weeks back, Direc­tor Andy sat down with Sean Antho­ny of Hub­bard Radio’s “Talk of the Town” (which airs on 92.3 WIL, 101 ESPN, and 106.5 The Arch here in St. Louis) to give the dish on Camp­bell House and its his­to­ry.  The inter­view aired on Sun­day, July 21st and has been uploaded to our YouTube page in two parts for your audi­to­ry delight. (click here to lis­ten to part 1 of the inter­view, click here to lis­ten to the sec­ond half).

Forum JournalSome more great press came from the Forum Jour­nal, pub­lished by the Nation­al Trust for His­toric Preser­va­tion.  Their arti­cle looks at Camp­bell House and its involve­ment with the Eugene Field House and the Gri­ot Muse­um of Black His­to­ry in the Urban Muse­um Col­lab­o­ra­tive, a coop­er­a­tive net­work of small muse­ums in the St. Louis area.  (Click here to read the article).

WinterthurThe crown jew­el of our recent print media cov­er­age is a recent arti­cle by Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sor and researcher Hei­di Kolk in the well-respect­ed Win­terthur Port­fo­lio, pub­lished by the Win­terthur Muse­um in Delaware.  Win­terthur is nation­al­ly renowned as the author­i­ty on dec­o­ra­tive arts in the Unit­ed States, and we’re hon­ored to have been fea­tured! (Click here to find more infor­ma­tion on this article.)

Ladue Blog

Ladue News was kind enough to fea­ture us twice in the past few weeks.  The first piece cov­ers some gen­er­al his­to­ry of the house and the new­ly installed draperies in the par­lor (click here to read), and the oth­er, fea­tured in their spe­cial wed­ding edi­tion, takes a clos­er look at the third floor wed­ding gown exhi­bi­tion, fea­tur­ing some great pho­tos (click here to read).

We were also excit­ed to be fea­tured in GO! Mag­a­zine, a pub­li­ca­tion of the St. Louis Post-Dis­patch, which tells the sto­ry of the Muse­um’s once-expan­sive cos­tume col­lec­tion and our 70th anniver­sary (click here to read).

One of the things we’re par­tic­u­lar­ly jazzed about around these parts is the piece that aired recent­ly on KSDK Chan­nel 5’s Show Me St. Louis.  Reporter Coreen Sav­ist­ki came out and inter­viewed Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Andy, got the low-down on some of Vir­gini­a’s dress­es and pro­vid­ed some stel­lar pub­lic­i­ty for the muse­um as we head into the fall! (read the arti­cle and watch the TV spot here)