Tag Archives: King of Scotland

Robert’s royal pedigree

Robert’s child­hood home, Augh­a­lane House in Coun­ty Tyrone, Ire­land. The blue plaque to the left of the door reads, “Most Noble Duke of Argyle” with a draw­ing of the Camp­bell coat of arms. The plaque on the right reads, “Hugh Camp­bell built this house in the year of our LORD 1786.” The “Hugh” referred to in the plaque is Robert’s father.

We knew that Robert’s father was descend­ed from Archibald, the 9th Earl of Argyll.  Now vol­un­teer Tom has just uncov­ered a com­pelling roy­al con­nec­tion on Robert’s moth­er’s side, too: Robert’s moth­er, Sarah Buchanan, is a descen­dant of Robert II, King of Scot­land.  Here is a tran­scrip­tion of the fam­i­ly line, from Amer­i­cans of Roy­al Descent: A Col­lec­tion of Genealo­gies of Amer­i­can Fam­i­lies Whose Lin­eage is Traced to the Legit­i­mate Issue of Kings (1891). We have bold­ed the sec­tions that per­tain to Robert and his dis­tant grand­fa­ther, King Robert II.  What a great find!  Thanks, Tom!


1. — ROBERT II., King of Scot­land, m. Lady Eliz­a­beth, daugh­ter of Sir Adam Mure, Knt., of Rowal­ton, and had:
2. — ROBERT STEWARD, Duke of Albany; Earl of Mon­tei­th and Fife; Regent of Scot­land, b. 1339, d. 1419.  He m., first, Lady Mar­garet, grand­daugh­er of Alan, Earl of Mon­teigh, and had:
3. — MURDACH STEWART, sec­ond Duke of Albany; Gov­er­nor of Scot­land, who m. Lady Isabel, daugh­ter of Dun­can, Earl of Lenox, and had:
4. — LADY ISABEL STEWART, who m. Sir Wal­ter Buchanan, twelfth Laird of Buchanan, for whose Roy­al Descent see Pedi­gree XIII., and had:
5. — THOMAS BUCHANAN, third son, first Laird of Car­beth, who had:
6. — JOHN BUCHANAN, of East­er-Bal­lat, sec­ond son, who had:
7. — THOMAS BUCHANAN, third Laird of Car­beth, who had:
8. — JOHN BUCHANAN, of Gart­in­caber, who had:
9. — GEORGE BUCHANAN, of Blair­lusk, who had:
10. — WILLIAM BUCHANAN, of Coun­ty Tyrone, Ire­land, who had:
11. — PATRICK BUCHANAN, of Coun­ty Tyrone, Ire­land.  He had a broth­er, Robert Buchanan who was one of the first set­tlers in Cum­ber­land Coun­ty, Pa.  in 1743 he took up a part of an eight-hun­dred acre tract of land on teh Conon­dogu­inet, near the mouth of Sil­ver’s Run.  Robert Buchanan had sev­er­al broth­ers in Penn­syl­va­nia then: one, Wal­ter, who lived at East Penns­bor­ough, Cum­ber­land Co., where Robert removed, and William, who kept an Inn in Cal­isle in 1753, and anoth­er broth­er who resided in Hopewell Town­ship in 1748; PATRICK BUCHANAN’S eldest son:
12. — ROBERT BUCHANAN, of Coun­ty Tyrone, Ire­land, had:
1. — GENERAL THOMAS BUCHANAN, b. Coun­ty Tyrone, 1747–48, d. at Newville, Pa., 13 Octo­ber 1823.  Pre­vi­ous to the Amer­i­can Rev­o­lu­tion he removed from Ire­land to Penn­syl­va­nia, and at the out­break of the war enlist­ed, in Cum­ber­land Coun­ty, Pa., in Colonel William Thomp­son’s Bat­tal­ion of Rifle­men, in the com­pa­ny of Cap­tain James Cham­bers.  He was com­mis­sioned third lieu­tenant in this bat­tal­ion, 25 June 1775, and cap­tain, 10 Octo­ber 1777, in the First Reg­i­ment of the Penn­syl­va­nia Line.  Cap­tain Buchanan resigned from the army 26 Sep­tem­ber 1779, and in 1789 became Sher­iff of Cum­ber­land (now Franklin) Coun­ty, Pa.  He m. Miss McFar­lane, and had:
I. — ROBERT BUCHANAN, d 31 May 1833.
II. — ELIZABETH BUCHANAN, d 25 August 1863.
III. — MRS. NANCY SNODGRASS, d 23 April 1859.
IV. — WILLIAM BUCHANAN, d. 7 July 1843.
V. — EZEKIEL BUCHANAN, d. 31 August 1831.
VI. — SARAH, d. 17 August, 1872, wife of Clement McFarland.
VII. — MARY BUCHANAN, of Ship­pens­burg, Pa., d. aged 104 years
VIII. — JANE BUCHANAN, of Ship­pens­burg, Pa., d. aged 100 years.
2. — MARY BUCHANAN, d. 16 Octo­ber 1823
3. — SARAH BUCHANAN, d. who m. Mr. Camp­bell, of Coun­ty Tyrone, Ire­land, and had:
I. — HUGH CAMPBELL, of St. Louis, Mo., d.s.p.; m. Mary Kyle
II. — ROBERT CAMPBELL, of St. Louis, Mo., m. Vir­ginia Kyle and had:
i. — HUGH; ii. — HAZLITT; iii. — JAMES