
Campbell House has a very special Christmas story
that comes with an unusual decoration.

Camp­bell Christ­mas table, cir­ca 1895.

About 1895 the Camp­bell fam­i­ly host­ed a small Christ­mas par­ty for their close friends. In true Gild­ed Age style the din­ing room table was set spec­tac­u­lar­ly for the event. The table itself was com­plete­ly wrapped in fresh flowers–red and white car­na­tions with greens.  The cen­ter­piece of the table was a fig­ure of San­ta Claus com­plete with his sleigh hold­ing toys and a dec­o­rat­ed Christ­mas tree all pulled by 8 rein­deer. This unusu­al table dec­o­ra­tion was also the par­ty favor. Every fam­i­ly in atten­dance was invit­ed to take part of the dis­play home.

The rein­deer Vix­en was tak­en home by the Hugh Scott fam­i­ly of St. Louis. Vix­en dec­o­rat­ed their din­ing room Christ­mas table for almost 80 years. About 25 years ago the Scott fam­i­ly was per­suad­ed by Camp­bell House sup­port­er Zoe Desloge Lipp­man to donate Vix­en to the Camp­bell House Muse­um for all our Christ­mas callers to enjoy.

Come and vis­it Vix­en and expe­ri­ence the splen­dor of Christ­mases past. Camp­bell House is open Wednes­day to Sat­ur­day 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sun­day, noon to 4 p.m. through Decem­ber 30. Dur­ing Jan­u­ary we are open most days by appoint­ment. Call us to make and appoint­ment, 314–421-0325.

Vixen adorns the Morning Room mantle today.

Vix­en adorns the Morn­ing Room man­tle today.