Collections & Research

Additionally, archival material related to the Robert Campbell and Campbell family can be found at the following four St. Louis area research institutions:

I.   Campbell House Museum

The Camp­bell House Muse­um pre­serves the Camp­bel­l’s Lucas Place house and their col­lec­tion of orig­i­nal fur­ni­ture, fix­tures, paint­ings, car­riages, cloth­ing and oth­er objects. The muse­um archive con­tains records of the muse­um’s his­to­ry (1943 to the present) and mate­r­i­al relat­ing to the St. Louis, Lucas Place, the Camp­bell fam­i­ly and their servants–including more than 1,000 pho­tographs and hun­dreds of per­son­al let­ters and doc­u­ments rang­ing from the 1820s to the 1930s. Find­ing aid avail­able. (60 boxes)

II.   St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis

This very large col­lec­tion includes pri­ma­ry mate­ri­als on the activ­i­ties of Camp­bell, his friends, asso­ciates, busi­ness part­ners and adver­saries.  Busi­ness cor­re­spon­dence, com­pa­ny ledgers, copy books, finan­cial reports and fam­i­ly let­ters form the bulk of the col­lec­tion, which spans the peri­od from the ear­ly 1830s to the 1920s.  (35 lin­ear feet of man­u­scripts and archival records).  Micro­film copies (30 reels) avail­able at the Camp­bell House.  Find­ing aid avail­able here.

III.  Missouri Historical Society Archives and Library

This col­lec­tion con­tains let­ters relat­ing to Robert Camp­bel­l’s ear­ly career as a fur trad­er includ­ing his 1833 Rocky Moun­tain jour­nal. Per­son­al and busi­ness let­ters and oth­er busi­ness records form the bulk of the col­lec­tion. The col­lec­tion also con­tains records for two Camp­bell fam­i­ly court cas­es from 1864 and 1938. Camp­bell busi­ness records can also be found in the Sub­lette papers. This col­lec­tion is indexed. (22 lin­ear feet of man­u­scripts and archival records). Find­ing aid avail­able here. See col­lec­tions A0224 and A0226.

IV.   St. Louis Circuit Court/Missouri State Archives

This col­lec­tion from the St. Louis Cir­cuit Court con­tains the records from the Hazlett K. Camp­bell estate case that began in 1938. The col­lec­tion is made up of tes­ti­mo­ny and evi­dence from indi­vid­u­als (both legit­i­mate and not legit­i­mate) mak­ing claim to the Camp­bell estate. Pri­mar­i­ly con­sists of genealog­i­cal records–birth, death and mar­riage cer­tifi­cates in addi­tion to pho­tographs, per­son­al let­ters and oth­er doc­u­ments dat­ing from the 1760s to the 1930s. All of these records are were sub­mit­ted to the court to prove rela­tion to the grand­par­ents of Hazlett Camp­bell. (172 vol­umes). Find­ing aid avail­able here.  The St. Louis Cir­cuit Court also con­tains dozens of cas­es per­tain­ing to Robert Camp­bell busi­ness inter­ests cir­ca 1838–1879. Par­tial find­ing aid avail­able here.

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