Meet the Interns » Katie


Each sum­mer we ush­er in a brand-new crew of sum­mer interns, and we always end up with incred­i­bly bright and charis­mat­ic stu­dents. Sum­mer 2012 is no excep­tion.  Start­ing this week, we’re going to do a short bio on each one so you can get to know them, too. Not only do these ladies and gen­tle­men give tours all sum­mer (more than like­ly you’ll meet one or more of them on your sum­mer vis­it to Camp­bell House), but they also con­duct research for their own projects, AND they do a lot of the impor­tant work that keeps this place run­ning on a dai­ly basis.

With­out fur­ther ado, meet Katie!

What are you study­ing and where?
Tech­ni­cal The­ater and Art His­to­ry at Lin­den­wood University

Why Camp­bell House?
One of my friends was an intern. She told me about Camp­bell House. She had a good expe­ri­ence and men­tioned the stock of peri­od cos­tumes. [Edi­to­r­i­al com­ment: Katie’s friend Ande was made of sparkles and rain­bows. We miss her. *sniff*]

What are you going to work on at CHM over the summer?
Hope­ful­ly I will be restor­ing and research­ing the peri­od clothes. I love the idea of con­nect­ing past to present through clothes. You can learn so much about a soci­ety and an indi­vid­ual based on what they wear. I’m hap­py to do any­thing and to learn as much as possible!

When you aren’t slav­ing away at Camp­bell House, what are you doing?
I work part time as a make­up artist, and I work for the­ater com­pa­nies around St. Louis, design­ing cos­tumes and work­ing wardrobe. I rarely have free time, so when I do, I sleep.

What’s your favorite thing about Camp­bell House so far?
Every­one seems gen­uine­ly inter­est­ed in our goals and work­ing with us to cre­ate a ben­e­fi­cial experience.

PC or Mac?
Mac, duh.

Lit­tle known fact about me:
As a young child, I had a pho­bia of fish.

Favorite sand­wich?
I could eas­i­ly eat the veg­gie sand­wich from Quizno’s everyday.

Favorite book?
Any­thing by David Sedaris.

[Edi­to­r­i­al com­ment #2: On her first day “on the job,” she endeared her­self to us with her phone’s ringer. ]

Thanks for read­ing, and check back next week for the inside scoop on anoth­er mem­ber of our intern staff. Are you look­ing for an intern­ship? We’d love to talk. Intro­duce your­self with an email to andy [at] camp­bell­house­mu­se­um [dot] org.