
In our sec­ond install­ment of “Meet the Interns,” we’re fea­tur­ing Kevin.

What are you study­ing and where?
His­to­ry and Chem­istry at Wart­burg College

Why Camp­bell House?
I am inter­est­ed in all peri­ods of Amer­i­can his­to­ry and this unique peri­od in St. Louis was very appeal­ing to me.

What are you going to work on at CHM over the summer?
Cat­a­loging and hope­ful­ly some­thing deal­ing with stained glass windows.

When you aren’t slav­ing away at Camp­bell House, what are you doing?
Lots of run­ning and work­ing at oth­er muse­ums. [Edi­to­r­i­al note: he’s not kid­ding about “lots of run­ning.” Try 7 miles in the morn­ing before he comes to work. Yikes.]

What’s your favorite thing about Camp­bell House so far?
The his­to­ry of the Camp­bells and the inter­est­ing sto­ries that the docents tell.

PC or Mac?

Lit­tle known fact about me:
I have asphalt stuck in my left elbow.

Favorite sand­wich:

Favorite book:
Any­thing by Clive Cussler.

Thanks for read­ing, and check back next week to meet Hannah!