Tag Archives: Irish

LECTURE: The Irish in St. Louis: From Shanty to Lace Curtain

Join the Camp­bell House Muse­um to hear author, Patrick Mur­phy dis­cuss his new book, “The Irish in St. Louis: From Shan­ty to Lace Cur­tain.”  The par­tic­u­lar focus of his lec­ture will be on why so many Irish were attract­ed to St. Louis, their strug­gle to over­come Nativist and anti-Catholic prej­u­dices, and how they even­tu­al­ly assim­i­lat­ed and impact­ed the St. Louis region. Includ­ed are the sto­ries of Irish­man Robert Camp­bell (1804–1879) and his son, phil­an­thropist Hugh Camp­bell (1847–1931).