Tag Archives: Mangled Guy Fawkes quote

Remember Remember the 14th of February!

Wait, I think we may have that quote wrong.

Either way, don’t wait until the last minute to find some­thing fun to do with your hon­ey on Tues­day. We’re host­ing a tra­di­tion­al Eng­lish high tea in our house with the lovelies from the Lon­don Tea Room. (These peo­ple are orig­i­nal­ly from Eng­land, so they know what they’re doing.) You’ll be greet­ed at the door with a glass of Roman punch that you can enjoy while you browse the house. As you relax at a table in the Din­ing Room, Par­lor, Morn­ing Room or Kitchen, we’ll serve you a scrump­tious high tea, includ­ing your own pot of tea, fin­ger sand­wich­es, cur­rant scone with Devon­shire cream, petit fours and a choco­late-cov­ered strawberry.

We’ll have some spe­cial lovey-themed Camp­bell pieces on dis­play, and you’ll get a lit­tle good­ie bag. Tick­ets are $45 each and a por­tion of your tick­et price is a dona­tion to Camp­bell House.

Sound good? Call Camp­bell House at 314/421‑0325 to make your reservation.

And now we’ll dou­ble check that whole “Remem­ber Remem­ber” quote with our Eng­lish friends.….