Tag Archives: Sam Clark

Another Magical Spring Thing

St. Louis Bal­let com­pa­ny dancers per­form at the 2010 Mag­i­cal Spring Thing.

We’ve got some big events com­ing up, and you’ll want to mark your cal­en­dar for the first one on April 14.

Anoth­er Mag­i­cal Spring Thing is the sec­ond install­ment of 2010’s uber-suc­cess­ful vari­ety show pro­duced by our very own Sam Clark. Fea­tur­ing the St. Louis Rag­timers, Union Avenue Opera, St. Louis Bal­let, and the Ball­room Acad­e­my of St. Louis, the evening will be a treat to the eyes and ears to raise mon­ey for new fam­i­ly-ori­ent­ed envi­ron­men­tal and gar­den pro­gram­ming at Camp­bell House Museum.

Host­ed at the Mag­nif­i­cent Mahler Ball­room, the night will be an ele­gant evening that begins with gourmet hors d’oeurves and cock­tails at 7:00 with the show fol­low­ing at 8:00. After the per­for­mance, guests can enjoy a dessert bar and danc­ing on the ball­room floor.

We had a packed house in 2010, so make your reser­va­tions ear­ly! Tick­ets are $125, and pre­ferred seat­ing tick­ets are $150. Event spon­sor­ships are avail­able. For tick­ets, call us at the Muse­um at 314/421‑0325 or down­load the RSVP at our web­site.