Tag Archives: St. Louis Arc

Monday Update » 6.25.12

Good After­noon! A lot has hap­pened over the last two weeks.…

Pier­re’s Hole in the Teton Val­ley, Ida­ho, the site of the 1832 Rocky Moun­tain Rendezvous.

Andy’s Back!
Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Andy made it back from his excur­sion to Robert’s old stomp­ing grounds in Wyoming and Ida­ho. We’ll do a full post of the Ren­dezvous and all the sites he vis­it­ed, but to give you a pre­view, here’s a shot of Pier­re’s Hole. Not only did Robert trade here dur­ing the ren­dezvous, but it was also the site of the famous Bat­tle of Pier­re’s Hole, in which Robert played a key role with his friend Bill Sub­lette. (Beau­ti­ful, huh?)

Camp­bell House class at Life­long Learn­ing Institute
We are pleased to announce that staff from Camp­bell House Muse­um will be teach­ing a class at Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty’s Life­long Learn­ing Insti­tute (LLI) this fall. The LLI is a col­lege-style cur­ricu­lum of cours­es for peo­ple age 55 and old­er, and they offer a range of class­es on his­to­ry (local and oth­er­wise), art, and lit­er­a­ture. This fall, Camp­bell House will be the top­ic of a four-week course. This is what we’ll be teach­ing each week:

  • Week 1: His­to­ry of the Camp­bells and the Lucas Place Neigh­bor­hood (Andy)
  • Week 2: Late 19th Cen­tu­ry Cul­ture (Shel­ley)
  • Week 3: Field trip to Camp­bell House (Andy and Shelley)
  • Week 4: Doc­u­ment work­shop (Andy and Shelley)

Inter­est­ed? Fall 2012 reg­is­tra­tion isn’t online yet,  but if you’re age 55 or old­er, send an email to shel­ley [dot] satke [at] gmail [dot] com, and we’ll send you a reminder when you can reg­is­ter. In the mean­time, learn all about the LLI here.

New Gar­den Volunteers
Have you seen how beau­ti­ful the gar­den looks? In addi­tion to the reg­u­lar bunch of vol­un­teers (par­ents of the staff!), we’ve been joined by Dan, Dan and Alex, three young men from St. Louis Arc. Dan works with Dan and Alex to teach them life skills while build­ing friend­ships in the local com­mu­ni­ty. Every Tues­day and Thurs­day they work out­side keep­ing the gar­den in tip-top shape for our guests and neigh­bors, and they’ve been doing a won­der­ful job. They’ve been a joy to work with — stop by to see their handiwork!

Do you have a green thumb? Could you lend a hand mow­ing, prun­ing and plant­i­ng? We’re always look­ing for help! Drop Andy a note at andy [at] camp­bell­house­mu­se­um [dot] org.

Jes­si­ca and Mark in front of Vir­gini­a’s gazebo.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the Pierrons
Speak­ing of the gar­den, cheers to Jes­si­ca and Mark, who had their wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny in our gar­den on Fri­day night. The flow­ers were in full bloom, the weath­er coop­er­at­ed, and every­one had a won­der­ful evening on Jes­si­ca and Mark’s big day.

Camp­bell House is the per­fect out­door spot for a wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny. If you would like to check out the space in per­son, please email Shel­ley at shel­ley [dot] satke [at] gmail [dot] com.

Meet Kevin
Be sure to vis­it our blog tomor­row, where we’ll con­tin­ue with our pop­u­lar “Meet the Interns” series with Kevin. Talk about well-round­ed — he’s work­ing on a dou­ble major in his­to­ry and chem­istry. Tune in tomor­row to find out what he’s doing at Camp­bell House this summer!