Tag Archives: UMSL

Meet the interns » Lauren


If you come by on Sat­ur­days, you’re more than like­ly going to meet Lau­ren, our new Fall intern. She’s a busy bee, hold­ing down 18 hours of class­es, a part-time job and work­ing here sev­er­al days a week. We’re lucky to have her! If she’s your tour guide, make sure you ask her what she thinks of Vegemite.…..

What are you study­ing and where? His­to­ry at UMSL.

Why Camp­bell House? I want­ed to get expe­ri­ence work­ing in a muse­um, and I thought I would be able to get a more valu­able and hands-on expe­ri­ence in a small­er orga­ni­za­tion where I could feel I was more involved. I think the Camp­bell House is a real­ly unique and spe­cial place, and I thought it would be a very enjoy­able place to gain some knowl­edge about work­ing in museums.

What are you going to do at Camp­bell House? I am going through tons of let­ters and doc­u­ments try­ing to uncov­er quotes or first-hand accounts of each of the Camp­bells, as well as var­i­ous facts regard­ing their sto­ry and the house, and cre­at­ing cards to put in each of the rooms. I want to be able to pro­vide peo­ple with a more inti­mate knowl­edge of the fam­i­ly aside from what our docents can tell them, and help to serve as a talk­ing point or ref­er­ence on tours.

When you aren’t slav­ing away at Camp­bell House, what are you doing? I am busy with a full-time school sched­ule and work­ing at a cafe! When I do have time for a life, I love trav­el­ing and just spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and friends.

What’s your favorite thing about Camp­bell House so far? I love research­ing and learn­ing new things every­day about the fam­i­ly and the time peri­od, and It’s also just a beau­ti­ful envi­ron­ment to be work­ing in, sur­round­ed by this opu­lent Vic­to­ri­an home. But of course, I love the peo­ple I work with and am grate­ful to have so many knowl­edge­able, help­ful and pos­i­tive peo­ple around!

PC or Mac? PC

Lit­tle known fact about me: I am an Aus­tralian cit­i­zen (I have dual-cit­i­zen­ship because my father was Aus­tralian) and lived in Mel­bourne for a year!

Favorite book: It’s a tie between Slaugh­ter House Five and Ange­la’s Ash­es…I have read both at least five times!