Tag Archives: Scottrade

Campbell Contemporaries » 4.5.12

One of the was­cal­ly wab­bits at City­gar­den. Alas, he does not have a sup­ply of choco­late, cream-filled eggs.

Look­ing for some­thing to do over the next cou­ple of weeks? Here are some staff rec­om­men­da­tions to keep your social cal­en­dar hop­ping (ter­ri­ble pun clear­ly intended):

Fri­day, April 6

Sat­ur­day, April 7

Sun­day, April 8

Thurs­day, April 12 through Sat­ur­day, April 14

Fri­day, April 13

Sat­ur­day, April 14 through Sun­day, April 15

Sat­ur­day, April 14

  • After you’re done run­ning and hang­ing out with art­sy intel­lec­tu­als at the Chase, sup­port Camp­bell House at our Mag­i­cal Spring Thing fundrais­er at the Mag­nif­i­cent Mahler Ballroom.

Hap­py Fri­day Eve, and be sure to send an email to shel­ley [at] camp­bell­house­mu­se­um [dot] org if you have a spe­cial soiree for us to fea­ture in our next Camp­bell Con­tem­po­raries install­ment in two weeks.