
DanielleThe Camp­bell House Muse­um works in coop­er­a­tion with col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties to pro­mote edu­ca­tion in his­to­ry, art his­to­ry, muse­um stud­ies and oth­er pro­grams. Camp­bell House interns have gone on the find jobs in muse­ums around the coun­try. A few have even found employ­ment at Camp­bell House!

Interns may be assigned to focus on a par­tic­u­lar facet of the Muse­um, such as col­lec­tions, devel­op­ment, research, edu­ca­tion­al pro­gram­ming, or pro­mo­tion. How­ev­er, a broad range of activ­i­ties will be part of the expe­ri­ence, and the stu­dent will receive expo­sure to Joshvar­i­ous con­tacts in the cul­tur­al insti­tu­tions indus­try in St. Louis. As a result, the intern will be bet­ter pre­pared for the “real world” of work.

In recent years interns have worked on projects as diverse as help­ing estab­lish the Muse­um’s Past­Per­fect col­lec­tion data­base, a GIS project map­ping the Camp­bel­l’s Lucas Place neigh­bor­hood, research into Robert Camp­bel­l’s involve­ment in the 1851 Fort Laramie treaty and the short-lived U.S. Indi­an Com­mis­sion and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the Camp­bel­l’s art collection.

Pic­tured: Spring 2015 Interns Danielle and Josh.

**Intern­ships are gen­er­al­ly not paid but are avail­able for course cred­it. For more infor­ma­tion, work with your school advis­er and please con­tact the Muse­um.

Click to read testimonials from past internships!