This week in history: April 5–10

This week in his­to­ry, both Robert Camp­bell and his son Hugh Camp­bell made their wills.  The two were almost 60 years apart — 1 day short of 59 years exact­ly.  Because both of these doc­u­ments are impor­tant, we are going to post both.

First, we post Robert Camp­bel­l’s 1832 will.  It was entered into evi­dence in the 1938 estate case that would decide the future of Robert’s son Hazlet­t’s $2 mil­lion estate.  By 1832, Robert had already begun to amass a great for­tune.  He knew he was going into dan­ger­ous ter­ri­to­ry out West on a reg­u­lar basis, and want­ed to be sure his fam­i­ly and for­tune would be tak­en care of.  This was obvi­ous­ly not Robert’s final will.  He would mar­ry Vir­ginia Jane Kyle on Feb­ru­ary 25, 1841, and the two would have 3 sur­viv­ing chil­dren.  Robert final­ly died on Octo­ber 10, 1879.  This will shows his thoughts and wor­ries as a young man.

In the name of God, Amen. I Robert Camp­bell at
Present resid­ing in the City of Saint Louis Mis­souri in
The Unit­ed Stat­ed of Amer­i­ca do make this my last
Will and Testament -
Item    I bequeath and device to my Broth­er Andrew Campbell
All that par­cel of Land in the town­land of
Gel­nco­pogagh in the part of Upper Badoney County
Of Tyrone Ire­land held by law renew­able forever
‘Under the heirs of the Honl. George Knox, to have
And to hold said par­cel of land with its apprenten
=ces (as now occu­pied by Gabriel Walk­er) to him and
to his heirs for­ev­er. Pro­vid­ed he my said Brother
Andrew Camp­bell pays one half the amt. of Debt
Due by me to the heirs of Andw. McFar­land Decd. And
To my sis­ter Anne Camp­bell before enter­ing in possession
Of said farm of land in Glencopogagh -
Item —     I bequeath to my Broth­er Hugh Camp­bell my tith
And inter­est in the rents receiv­able under Deed
of Mort­gage from the ten­ants in East Aughalane
amount­ing to 16 pounds Irish cur­ren­cy per annum) to him
and to his heirs for­ev­er. Pro­vid­ed he my said
Broth­er Hugh Camp­bell pays one half the debts
Due by me to the Heirs of Andw. McFar­land Decd.
And to my Sis­ter Anne Camp­bell — before entering
Into pos­ses­sion of the bequest before mentioned
Item —  I bequeath to my Broth­er Hugh Camp­bell above
Men­tioned the pro­ceeds of the expe­di­tion now fully
Out by me for the region of the Rocky Mountains
After deduct­ing the amount due by me to Miss J & A Kerr
Mer­chants of St. Louis Mis­souri say
And also pay­ing the men in my employ the balance
Which may be due by me to them at the time of
My decease — all of which will be deter­mined by
My execu­tors Mr L. Sub­lette and Thos. Fitz­patrick who
Accom­pa­ny me on this expe­di­tion — the pro­ceeds (if any),
To be appro­pri­at­ed in the fol­low­ing manner

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First­ly    That my said Borther Hugh Camp­bell do
Pay him­self the amount of mon­ey I shall borrow
Of him before my departure
Sec­ond­lyThat my said Borther Hugh Camp­bell ao
pay to my Beloved Moth­er the sum of Five
pounds ster­ling annu­al­ly dur­ing her nat­ur­al life
and if the pro­ceeds should not afford this then me
said Broth­er Hugh Camp­bell to pay to my beloved
moth­er Five pounds ster­ling per annum out of
the rents of East Aughalane -
Third­ly That my Broth­er Hugh Camp­bell pays to my Dear
Sis­ter Anne Ten pounds ster­ling — and should the
pro­ceeds of my expe­di­tion prove more than
repays the above appro­pri­ate­ly — then the residue
if enough to be dis­persed of as fol­lows — to my
Dear Moth­er few pounds annu­al­ly in addition
To the above and the residue to be divid­ed in
Equal parts between my Broth­ers Andrew & Hugh and
My sis­ter Anne one third each -
Item     I bequeath to my Beloved Moth­er the sum of Five pounds
Ster­ling to be paid by my said Broth­er Hugh Campbell
And in case the pro­ceeds of my Rocky Monts be
Suf­fi­cient­ly lucra­tive the sum of Ten pounds in
Addi­tion to the above -
Item    I bequeath to my Sis­ter Anne Camp­bell as
Above Ten pounds ster­ling to be paid her
By my Broth­er Hugh Camp­bell which with
The assump­tion of two hun­dred pounds of my
Broth­er Hugh & myself and fifty pounds which
I pre­sent­ed her when in Ire­land to be paid by
Hugh and myself. I con­sid­er as on equal
Por­tion with my Broth­ers — in case my Rocky
Moun­tain trip affords a prof­it I wish one third
Of the nett pro­ceeds (after pay­ing all oth­er demands)
To be paid to my dear­est sis­ter Anne

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O nom­i­nate and appoint John W Far­land of Culls
=lil­lan part of low­er Budo­ny & Coun­ty Tyrone
and William Wil­son of Eden Der­ry (Leap Mill) in
land Coun­ty in Ire­land as my execu­tors there
and Mr L Sub­lette of St. Louis Coun­ty Missouri
and Thos. Fitz­patrick of the Rocky Monts. And
My broth­er Hugh Camp­bell late of Richmond
Of Vir­ginia but now of Philadel­phia as my
Execu­tors in the Unit­ed States. — I request [miss­ing]
To super­in­tend the set­tle­ment of the mat­ters herein
Named and to direct that each Item shall
Be per­formed (as far as pos­si­ble) with­in two years
After my decease at far­thest and soon­er if
In wit­ness where of I have herunto
Set my hand and seal this tenth day of
April in the year of our Lord one Thousand
Eight Hun­dred and Thir­ty Two

Signed sealed and declared
By the above named
Robert Camp­bell to be his
Last will and testament
In pres­ence of us who have
Here­un­to sub­scribed our
names as wit­ness­es in the
pres­ence of the testator

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Robert Camp­bell
Will of April 10 1832