Category Archives: This Week in History

Campbell House First Opens 70 Years Ago!

Sev­en­ty years ago today the open­ing of the Camp­bell House Muse­um was report­ed with lav­ish full-col­or (it was 1943) pho­to sto­ry in the Post-Dis­patch. Here it is:

St. Louis Post-Dis­patch, Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 28, 1943


A pic­ture of life as it was lived in St. Louis a cen­tu­ry ago is afford­ed vis­i­tors to the Camp­bell House, sit­u­at­ed at 1508 Locust street, which through the efforts of the Camp­bell House Foun­da­tion, has been restored to its orig­i­nal ele­gance and opened to the pub­lic. The house was built in 1851 by Robert Camp­bell, who made  a for­tune as a fur trad­er, and in it were enter­tained many vis­it­ing celebri­ties of the day, includ­ing Gen­er­al Grant.


After the death of the last of the three Camp­bell sons, none of whom  mar­ried, the house was inher­it­ed by Yale Uni­ver­si­ty. The Camp­bell House Foun­da­tion, a group of inter­est­ed cit­i­zens who want­ed to pre­serve the house as a land­mark, start­ed rais­ing funds for the pur­pose. Stix, Baer and Fuller Com­pa­ny pur­chased the house for the Foun­da­tion, and funds con­tributed were used to restore it. The orig­i­nal fur­nish­ings and authen­tic dec­o­ra­tions have served com­plete­ly to restore both the appear­ance and the char­ac­ter of the house.”


Today of course 70 years of research has revealed that Robert Camp­bell did not build the house (he and his fam­i­ly moved in three years lat­er) and the “orig­i­nal ele­gance” referred to in the arti­cle was real­ly just a 2oth cen­tu­ry con­cep­tion of a mid-19th cen­tu­ry inte­ri­or (just as an exam­ple, all that bright white wood­work would have nev­er worked in a coal soot filled house). Click the images to read the orig­i­nal cap­tions and enjoy a look back at the first rev­e­la­tion of a real St. Louis treasure.

Make 2013 your date to vis­it Camp­bell House, be it for the first or the tenth time, there is always some­thing new and inter­est­ing to learn from our superla­tive docents and stu­dents. Find our hours and more info here



This Week in History: February 21

This week we have a let­ter to Vir­ginia from her moth­er, Lucy Kyle. Lucy was a Quak­er and an abo­li­tion­ist, and this note fea­tures some dis­cus­sion about how Robert helped trans­port the three slaves she received from her hus­band’s estate to free­dom.  (It looks like a lot of text; it is. Lucy has a ram­bling, chat­ty style of writ­ing and she was not fond of para­graphs or wast­ing a bit of blank paper.….see the images of the orig­i­nal below the transcription.)


Raleigh  Feb­ru­ary 25th 1842
My dear Virginia,
I regret­ted very much that I had not time to write you by Car­o­line and still more that I had noth­ing pret­ty to send you.  I sent about a hun­dred mes­sages by her.  I told her she was to take a week to deliv­er them all.  The cause of my being so busy was to pre­pare Ben & Lin­da for their removal. I could not let them go from under my hands with­out being well clothed and well fixed, and they had all their lit­tle arrange­ments to make after we received Mr. Camp­bel­l’s last let­ters.  They had to sell off all their fur­ni­ture and old things, which was as valu­able to them as ours is to us.  Say to Mr. Camp­bell this was the prin­ci­ple rea­son why I could not get them off soon­er.  And then I had two or three let­ters to write about them which was oblig­ed to be writ­ten.  Did Car­o­line tell you I wrote two let­ters after nine o’clock?  My dear Vir­ginia you cer­tain­ly have one of the best hus­bands in the world and I now think more of him than ever for his kind­ness in tak­ing charge of them from Bal­ti­more to Wheel­ing etc.  I have not heard from them yet but expect sis­ter Mary [Lucy’s old­er sis­ter and wife to Thomas Ter­rell] will write soon after their arrival.  My mind is relieved of a great bur­den since they have left and I do rejoice that they are in a coun­try where they can enjoy reli­gious & civ­il lib­er­ty and I have placed them among those who I know will befriend them in case of neces­si­ty.  It real­ly did my heart good to hear Mr. Litch­ford tell how hap­py they all were on the road.  He says it was remarked by many of the pas­sen­gers that they were the hap­pi­est coloured fam­i­ly they had ever seen, I received your  let­ter of the 13th inst. this morn­ing I am glad to hear you were  so hap­py and con­tent­ed with your friends dur­ing Mr. C’s absence,  though I always knew that you are per­fect­ly at home any­where, you are very dif­fer­ent from me in this respect, I hope I shall hear of your board­ing in some retired pleas­ant board­ing house and that you will not remain at the Planters hotel, Raleigh seems to be in the great­est state of excite­ment I have ever known in,  revivals of reli­gion in the dif­fer­ent church­es, the tem­per­ance cause is still going ahead, the 22 inst. was cel­e­brat­ed by the  tem­per­ance soci­ety and a more glo­ri­ous day Raleigh nev­er saw.   300 mem­bers marched in pro­ces­sion through the town, had a meet­ing in the morn­ing, one in the after­noon and at night, I attend­ed in the after­noon and at night heard many inter­est­ing address­es,  one from Mr. McQueen with his expe­ri­ence, the good that this  soci­ety is doing even in this lit­tle town no tongue can tell,  there is a tem­per­ance paper pub­lished here, sev­er­al mar­riages on  cor­pet, James McPheeters is expect­ed with his bride, the 5th of  March, they are to be mar­ried at six in the morn­ing pro­ceed direct­ly to  Peters­burg remain there one day and then on to Raleigh

Dr. McK­ee & Susan bat­tle are to be mar­ried Tues­day week and report says +  I have no doubt but it is true, that Emma Snow and Mr. Peter Hines are to be mar­ried on the 15th of March it is said that he  has only been court­ing her one week I had it from good author­i­ty,  he is cousin or uncle of Susan Hines, he is said to be a first  rate man in every respect very pious very wealth has set­tled  $50,000 on his lit­tle son about five years old is a young wid­ow­er lives down the coun­try some­where but spends a great deal of his  time in Raleigh. Susan Hines’ father has bought Edmond Free­mans  house, Susan + her sis­ter + Susan Polk + Mor­da­cai and oth­ers were con­firmed a week or two since. Sis­ter Eliz­a­beth is  still in Rich­mond. Moth­er’s health is very del­i­cate and fee­ble she has been very sick is get­ting a lit­tle bet­ter, in con­se­quence of which it is uncer­tain when she will vis­it us.  I must write a  few lines to Mr. C. so will conclude.
As ever your affec­tion­ate mother,
L A Kyle

My dear Son,
I assure you that your last let­ter from Bal­ti­more afford­ed me the great­est plea­sure.  Your kind­ness and atten­tion to Ben, Lin­da & Robert will ever be remem­bered with grat­i­tude, I am sor­ry that you do not seem to under­stand my let­ters instead of me not under­stand­ing you, I think I thanked you for your good advice to me in regard to Eleanor and yet you say that you offend­ed me, I  think this was a wrong inter­pre­ta­tion, and what you said about broth­ers + sis­ters I laughed  hearti­ly and took it as a joke and returned it in the same  spir­it. You need not be afraid to write to me on that score for I can read your heart in your let­ters, and per­haps I am not so dull of appre­hen­sion as you think, how­ev­er I am very will­ing to  try the test of a more per­son­al acquain­tance and hope to do so yet, I  think I shall be the gain­er and you the los­er, Mr. Camp­bell. Will you do me the favour to inform me of the exact amount of Ben, Lin­da & Roberts expens­es from Bal­ti­more to Mount Pleas­ant.  Mr. Litch­ford’s accounts as ren­dered to Mr. McKim­mon for the whole expense of jour­ney and his $2 per day for six days amount­ed to $136.  I hand­ed it to Mr. McKim­mon exact­ly half of the whole, $68 being as near my part as I could well come at.
Your sin­cere friend + moth­er LA Kyle

Mr. Camp­bell the rea­son I sent  you Via mon­ey was there cold be no checks yet on the north, and  I thought that would pass at your par in Bal­ti­more in pref­er­ence  to N.C. but I have heard since that Via mon­ey was at a large  dis­count.  Did you have to lose much on it.  I am going to write you a long let­ter entire­ly on busi­ness some of these days.  Vir­ginia I want you to tell Car­o­line that I keep my room in pri­vate.  I do not allow any­one to come into it except lit­tle Vir­ginia, only on a vis­it.  It is a plea­sure and amuse­ment to me to attend to V. and my own room.   You must tell them all three they must try to do all that I told them.  I think if you are strict with lit­tle Hasz or put him with some­one who will attend to him that he will be more valu­able than Sime­on.  Sime­on has con­tract­ed many bad faults.  Car­o­line’s great­est faults are sloth­ful­ness & slovenny.

This Week in History: January 2

Jeff City Jan­u­ary 6th 1849

My Dear Virginia

I last evening received your wel­come and inter­est­ing let­ter with your list of vis­i­tors and what was still more accept­able the lock of hair of our dear lit­tle Hugh which I salut­ed as you intend­ed — I hand­ed the let­ter for the perusal of Mrs. Mor­row who was much pleased.  So you see we have been dou­bly ben­e­fit­ed by your letter.

I find myself still cir­cum­stanced as when I last wrote you, that is, con­tend­ing against unprin­ci­pled politi­cians who resort to every means to accom­plish their ends — a lit­tle more than a week will let me off and I care very lit­tle what the result may be com­pared with get­ting off from here as I am hearti­ly tired of being away from home.

I room with Col. Bal­lou a mem­ber of the H of Rep and a very gen­tle­man­ly man — Dr. Forbes and myself stay in the same bed so that there are three of us in the same room.

Genl. Ster­ling Price is now here and is an active friend of mine.  T. Polk is here in oppo­si­tion to me elec­tion­eer­ing as is also Jn. H. Wat­son but I would rather have him against me than for me as he has no influ­ence nor stand­ing here that could do me injury.  I can­not tell with any greater cer­tain­ty of the result than when I last wrote you — my friends think favor­ably of my prospects and no doubt my oppo­nents feel equal­ly san­guine of their suc­cess — I nei­ther hope nor fear, but wish most anx­ious­ly to have it determined.

You must be very care­ful about the cholera altho I trust it will not vis­it us now, and espe­cial­ly whilst I am from home — some of the young men at the store or Jeff Camp will get a man to clean out the back House which had bet­ter be done dur­ing the cold freez­ing weath­er which will ren­der it less offensive.

I dine at Judge Mor­rows tomor­row and the day after is set apart for the cel­e­bra­tion of the 8th of Jany bat­tle at N. Orleans.  We are to have a grand pro­ces­sion, and ora­tions Sat.  H. Birch is to be the ora­tor and I am told he is very able so I may antic­i­pate some variety.

I have kept this open for an hour or two to see if I can get any news by mail but I will not delay longer.

I don’t yet hear of William hav­ing left for the East.

My love to all.  Kiss Jim­mie and Hugh for me.

Yours affec­tion­ate­ly,

Robert Camp­bell

This Week in History: December 4

This week, Vir­ginia receives a let­ter from her broth­er-in-law, Wal­ter Otey.  Wal­ter is mar­ried to Vir­gini­a’s sis­ter Eleanor (referred to as “Ellen” in this let­ter), and he not a very pop­u­lar mem­ber of the Camp­bell or Kyle fam­i­lies.  Vir­ginia and Eleanor’s moth­er, Lucy, has referred to him in a let­ter as a “Demon clothed in human flesh,” as much for his per­son­al­i­ty as his occu­pa­tion as a slave trad­er. Take a look at this let­ter — what do you think of Walter?


Raleigh N.C. Dec 7

Mrs. Robert Campbell

Saint Louis, Missouri

Raleigh N.C.

Sun­day Dec. 4 1841

My dear Mrs. Campbell

My dear Sis­ter Virginia,

Your let­ter dat­ed the 18th Novr is to hand and find us all in the enjoy­ment of good health after offer­ing you our con­grat­u­la­tions on your report­ed health and pros­per­i­ty and future prospects of con­so­la­tions — I will pass on and endeav­or to detail to you some of the pass­ing events of your native region — How­ev­er I must first inform you that I wrote to your good man Mr. C. some days ago and informed him the whys and where­for­es I had not writ­ten soon­er and thus he has read that let­ter; — In con­se­quence of a press of busi­ness — I have cur­tailed the list of my cor­re­spon­dents and only write occa­sion­al­ly to a few of my most par­tic­u­lar friends. There­fore when you receive an occa­sion­al scrawl from me it may be regard­ed as a com­pli­ment; — I am like your hus­band.  I have an expen­sive wife and must make some­thing to sup­port her on — and in a few more months shall have an expen­sive daugh­ter if she should pat­tern after her moth­er; But I hope she will be half Otey — half Kyle — and the “bal­ance Win­ston” — and I think she will pass inspec­tion among the most fastidious.

Raleigh Capi­tol, built in 1840. Pho­to cir­ca 1861.

I must give you a short sketch of her Biog­ra­phy — It is a fact she is a most remark­able Child — and this is quite observ­able to all who vis­it us or have seen her — she cries but sel­dom — nev­er I think — unless hun­gry or in pain — she is very hearty and healthy — she will be 4 mo. old the 15th of this month — and she now takes so much notice; plays and laughs so loud as to be heard all over our house.  She can stand alone by the back of a chair — she has fair skin — my deep blue eyes — very reg­u­lar and hand­some fea­tures; and in gen­er­al sym­me­try unsur­passed.  Thus you see it will be com­pli­ment­ing you very high­ly to say we think she will be more like you than her Moth­er — I wish very much you could see her — I am going to have her minia­ture tak­en by an artist now in our city — who is said to be admirable on such exe­cu­tions — Well I sup­pose you have heard enough of Fran­cis Eliz­a­beth or so Ellen calls her — and I must let you know some­thing of our move­ments and arrange­ments — I expect­ed to have been on my way West before this some weeks — but have been detained by busi­ness — I want to break up house­keep­ing — and leave Ellen in Va with my rel­a­tives — until I return in the Spring — then she could spend the sum­mer in Va and we would go west in the fall if I should be pleased and make a loca­tion — I should be in the West Jan­ry Feby and March — back Va in April spend the sum­mer part­ly — been set­tling up small mat­ters and we could take our time in trav­el­ing out in the fall — I should not be sat­is­fied to leave Ellen here dur­ing my absence.

There is not a pleas­ant Board­ing House in the place for Ladies as you are aware — and to remain and keep house alone, she could not.  This is a most dis­tress­ing sit­u­a­tion I am placed in at all times about leav­ing home — and this is one par­tic­u­lar rea­son I have in being so desirous to change my place of res­i­dence and if I am not pleased with the West I shall pur­chase a place in Va.  I wish you could pre­vail on Mr. C to quit the Town life and let us pur­chase two farms near each oth­er — so that you and Ellen could be togeth­er — We have a plen­ty for this life — and had we all we want­ed — we can’t car­ry away any with us — when we pay the last debt here; — There is noth­ing that would con­duce so much to my peace and hap­pi­ness I believe — and that of us all I think.

Ellen says she intends writ­ing to you soon — you know she does not write often to any­one — and I am unwill­ing to believe it occurs from the want of affec­tion — because when we have been sep­a­rat­ed for some weeks — she did not write to me — who has the greater claim on her affec­tions and atten­tions “entre vous”? — Indeed she talks so much about “Sis­ter” that I have almost to scold her some­times — and tell her Va does not think so much of her — But her reply is — Sis­ter loves me bet­ter than any one in the world — But you must act sat­is­fied that we both appre­ci­ate your pecu­liar kind­ness and alacrity as a cor­re­spon­dent — I should write to you often­er but for your well known punc­tilio in orthog­ra­phy ‑ety­mol­o­gy — syn­tax and prosody — But I have well neigh filled this sheet of Foolscap with­out writ­ing you any “fool­ery” — The rea­son it is called Foolscap I s’pose it suits best for fools to write on;

Well have you heard that Doc­tor McK­ee and Susan Bat­tle are about to make a match of it such is the report?

The Doc­tor is doing well and is des­tined to stand at the head of the pro­fes­sion here — I believe I wrote same in Mr. C. let­ter that Mr. Col­lier and Miss Ann Hugh­es were to be mar­ried on next Wednes­day night — His broth­er George was mar­ried last Wednes­day night to a Miss Oliv­er in New­bern — they are to be here — and the Hugh­es are mak­ing grand prepa­ra­tions for the wed­ding — I under­stand Miss Mary Smith has dis­card­ed Doct. Smith — Miss Emma has no cap­tive at this time — Miss Man­ly with­out a beau — Miss McWilliams is doing her pret­ti­est to cap­ti­vate all — she flies high and sights low.  I heard a Bil­liard Room talk about her the oth­er day (entre vous) not so respect­ful — among the Young Men: — Allen Jones has been hang­ing around Susan Polk all to no pur­pose.  The oth­er girls are on their own rest­ing.  Beaus are as scarce as mon­ey in this place.  Mrs. Hay­lan­der is stay­ing with us now and desires me to send her best love to you, and says she wish­es she could be with you in your trou­bles; that Mr. Camp­bell must bring you and leave you in Raleigh; and I think so too!

I am sor­ry Mr. C. will be from home at the time I shall be in St. Louis — I will write you or him on my route.  Ellen joins me in love to you and Mr. C. and believe me your tru­ly attached broth­er W. L. Otey

I would write more but you see my paper is exhausted.

Give our respects to Doct. McPheeters — I saw his Father in the streets 3 days ago — walk­ing about.


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This Week in History: November 20

This week, big broth­er Hugh sends Robert a note fol­low­ing up from his recent trip back to Ire­land.  The broth­ers just lost sis­ter Eliz­a­beth, and, affec­tion­ate­ly, Hugh reveals that — of all their fam­i­ly — he could not bear to lose Robert, too.  And he has some inter­est­ing things to say about the state of his love life, and he encour­ages Robert to get hitched.  You know, only if he feels like it, of course.  Debt is a com­mon theme in let­ters from this peri­od.  When Hugh and Robert’s father died in 1810, he left a sub­stan­tial debt from build­ing Augh­a­lane, the fam­i­ly home.  The broth­ers are still try­ing to remit mon­ey back to Ire­land to pay this off.


Mil­ton NC Novem­ber 27th 1824

My Dear Robert,

From con­tents of a let­ter just received from our mutu­al friend James Reed I am aston­ished to find that you have not received my let­ter of 18 Sept.  He does not speak of anoth­er from Andrew for­ward­ed at the same time which I pre­sume has met the same fate.  These cursed irreg­u­lar mails and neg­li­gent post­mas­ters are like­ly to break the chain of our cor­re­spon­dence and give us both cause for anx­i­ety and unhap­pi­ness.  Here­after I wish you to write me once every two months, whether you receive a let­ter from me or not, and often­er when you hear from me — I will pur­sue the same plan in future.

Since my return to this place, I have had two let­ters from Andrew, one from Mr Boyle, one

Augh­a­lane, Robert and Hugh’s fam­i­ly home in Ireland

from Mr. Beaty, and some oth­er friend in that coun­try — all of which con­tains the most pleas­ing intel­li­gence from home, except what relates to our dear beloved & lament­ed Eliza.  Let us not repine Robert — It was God’s will & it is our duty to sub­mit.  My Moth­er had received your let­ter direct­ed to me in Ire­land and one from Mr. Wiley, describ­ing your new sit­u­a­tion in St. Louis.  I have writ­ten her and Andrew last week & request­ed both to write you immediately.

When I last wrote you every­thing rel­a­tive to my late vis­it was fresh in my mem­o­ry & I gave you a gen­er­al sum­ma­ry of all news in which I thought you would feel any inter­est.  Per­haps I may fail to do as well now but I will try to con­dense as much as pos­si­ble in this sheet.  Tomor­row I start to Rich­mond via Raleigh in busi­ness — on my return I shall write you again.  Dan Wil­son of Omagh died sud­den­ly in July last — Sis­ter Peg­gy died in April — Sis­ter Margery & hus­band are some­where in this coun­try, but not con­tent­ed — Sal­ly Cather­ine & Mary much as usu­al — Our dear sis­ter Anne is unhealthy and has begun To spit blood — Moth­er is quite well — nei­ther could write me.

While in Ire­land I rent­ed out the land held by the dif­fer­ent ten­ants for the space of 10 years from Nov 1824 (present) at the annu­al sum of about £66.10s.  Moth­er retains about 9 acres around the house.  Her rents are to be paid over to Andrew McFar­land.  Gabriel Walk­er lives in Glen­co­pa­gaugh at the year­ly rent of [miss­ing].  There is a new house there and I sup­pose it will here­after be well tak­en care of.  Andrew is strug­gling along as usu­al.  His lit­tle daugh­ter Bess was a love­ly inter­est­ing child when I was there — anoth­er (called Mary) has been born since I left Ire­land.  I was high­ly pleased with Andrew & his lit­tle fam­i­ly when amongst them.  He don’t drink a drop of spir­it now of any descrip­tion except a lit­tle wine.  I set­tled with Bil­ly of Glen­gaw for £53.13.9 — paid him £15 and gave notes for bal­ance @ 18mo.  I expend­ed $500 amongst my friends includ­ing expens­es of tour and did every thing in my pow­er to make all hap­py.  My efforts were suc­cess­ful — they were pleased beyond my expec­ta­tions with every thing I did — but I left them with­out bid­ding farewell!  I could not sup­port a part­ing scene with Eliza.  None of them wish you to go home, untill you are inde­pen­dent at least.  I have arranged busi­ness in such a way, that they have now no trou­ble with farm or ten­ants.  Don’t stay in St. Louis, if you think it unhealthy — no mat­ter about your sit­u­a­tion — go else­where should there be the least dan­ger.  I could bet­ter sup­port the death of any oth­er of our fam­i­ly (except Moth­er) than yours — if you can do half as well else­where, leave it in the spring.

Page one of this letter

With respect to my wor­thy friend James Reed’s affairs, they shall be attend­ed to — Uncle John could not at this moment spare $30 to all the friends he has — of course John Reed’s jour­ney here will be fruit­less, and indeed worse than use­less, though we shall be very glad to see him.  The old peo­ple are becom­ing less able to attend to busi­ness & con­se­quent­ly more embar­rassed in mon­ey mat­ters.  I see them often and do all I can to assist every way in my pow­er.  Their house will always be open, as their hearts, to their rel­a­tives but their purs­es are too tight to be of any ser­vice at present.  We shall be required to see James here should he come this way in the spring.

A few weeks ago I had a let­ter from David Kyle Junr offer­ing to take me in as a part­ner in Rich­mond — William & David Kyle will dis­solve at Christ­mas and William pro­pos­es giv­ing up the old house In Rich­mond to David & me.  Our Mr. K. is not will­ing to part with me & offers to give me five thou­sand dol­lars in VA mon­ey as a present at the expi­ra­tion 2 years from my return (Sept. 1826) and the use of his cred­it to any extent, to estab­lish busi­ness on my own foot­ing if I stay with him untill that time expires.  Either propo­si­tion is beyond my expec­ta­tion — I have not yet resolved which to accept, but will deter­mine in a day or two.  I will write you on my return from Rich­mond more decid­ed­ly on this impor­tant sub­ject.  You see for­tune smiles on me at length.

Should I con­sent to stay in Mil­ton I will remit one thou­sand dol­lars to Ire­land for the use of my good old moth­er for pay­ment of debt in the course of a year.  In either case should I become pos­ses­sor of more than a decent sup­port, the sur­plus shall go to my friends — mar­riage I have no idea of at present and in all prob­a­bil­i­ty nev­er may.  Let such be your views Robert, and our change of res­i­dence will not be in vain.  You ought to write home direct­ly.  I under­stand that sis­ter Ann has writ­ten you on 7th Sept.

I pro­cured sit­u­a­tions for four of my ship mates today — George Boyle with W & D Kyle, James McKim­mon of Tri­na­madin with R & H Kyle Raleigh.  David Rogers with R. Kyle Oxford & Robert Steven­son of Stra­bum in this store. Robert Wiley is still the same ami­able char­ac­ter — Ezekiel Ander­son is doing pret­ty well in Rock­ing­ham — Mr. Kyle’s fam­i­ly are always friend­ly — I sub­scribed for the Mil­ton Gazette for you — Do you receive it?  Shall I send you any oth­er papers?  Or can I do any thing to add to your hap­pi­ness — If so, write me & it shall be done.  The Doc­tor is still the same — our busi­ness has been quite brisk late­ly — Kerr has opened at Clarksville VA about 44 miles east of this & is doing tol­er­a­bly — Fare thee well, Robert

Hugh Camp­bell

Short­ly after my return to Mil­ton I had rea­son to sus­pect James Math­ey (the young fel­low who came short­ly after depar­ture).  I searched his draw­er and found that he had pur­loined from the firm between 200 & 300 dolls.  Mr. Kyle was not at home — I took what cash he had from him & dis­missed the scoundrel — His par­ents live in Der­ry & are very mean — this you see we had a sec­ond edi­tion of John Mon­aghan in Milton.

[Side page 1]

When I advise you to adopt a plan sim­i­lar to mine I don’t mean to delay you from offer­ing at Hymen’s altar — I should rejoice (my dear Robert) to hear that you had made choice of a help­mate for life if it were a pru­dent one — but in this I shall leave you to act as you please

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I received yours of 13 Oct & a Mis­souri paper — I trust [?] you write bet­ter than for­mer­ly — If con­ve­nient you can send me occa­sion­al­ly only any paper [miss­ing] some­thing curi­ous — don’t make me a reg­u­lar sub­scriber — your west­ern papers are not worth esteem here.